Two young people have been sponsored by Stainborough Rotary Club

RYLA is a leadership residential course for young people.
Both Rtn Derek Housley and Rtn Richard Galiford are leaders on the course.

Rtn Richard said “Another great week transforming the lives of young people on the Rotary Youth Leadership Award course. 40 amazing young people pushed out of their comfort zones and learning how to lead, delegate and communicate on various team tasks. It’s been my privilege to have been with you all” Rtn Derek said “Just got back from mentoring a group of 8 young people. On a Rotary Youth Leadership award scheme. Canal challenges, buildings rafts, Kayaks, bridging a gorge and creating a zip wires, were all successfully achieved with panache while learning about leadership. Credit to all involved.”

Derek HousleyContact Derek Housley about this page:

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