Golf Fund Raiser

Our golf competition fund raiser is now closed. Want to know the outcome? Open this to find out how much we raised and how many entries we had?

The competition ran for 8 weeks.  The leaflet was sent to managers/secretaries at 17 golf clubs, 14 in East Dunbartonshire and 3 just outside the area. The fund raiser was also featured in an article in the Milngavie and Bearsden Herald.  The idea was a new fund raiser for club golfers to participate in playing on a golf course of their choice.  Teams of 3, £5 per person, play anytime before 13th September.   Stableford format.

The idea raised £5 from a non golfer who donated for the charities. 

The number of entries - zero! 

What can we say.  £5 is better than nothing.

Stuart SharkieContact Stuart Sharkie about this page:

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Charity Fund Raising

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