Rotary for Youth

Join a thriving youth community through Interact and Rotaract

Rotary for Youth



Interact is for youths ages 12 to 18 who want to connect with other young people

and have fun while serving their community, and learning about the world

Interact members may get together from just one school

or several schools may get together as an Interact community

Interactors aim to organise two projects each year

one that helps their school or community

and one that promotes international understanding

Interact is sponsored and mentored by local Rotarians

and meet twice a month, (sometimes more often), on-line or at a convenient location

(Mostly on-line while we work through the COVID lockdown)


Mentoring helps young Interactors to plan and carry out their projects

and to develop themselves and develop their leadership skills





Rotaract is for young people ages 18 and up who are dedicated

to finding innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges

while developing themselves and their leadership skills

and making friends from around the world


Rotaractors are members of Rotary International, a worldwide volunteer community

who have fun, but with the serious purpose of doing good in the world


Rotaractors decide how to organise themselves, raise and manage their funds

and plan and carry out activities and projects that are important to their local community

Local Rotarians sponsor Rotaract and gives advice, guidance and support

and work in partnership with Rotaractors



Find out more about Haddenham Rotary


If you enjoy having fun while helping others less fortunate than yourself,
we invite you to contact us to find out more

Develop your social and personal skills
to benefit people less fortunate than yourself

Forge new friendships, exchange ideas and deliver humanitarian aid
with lasting benefit to local communities

Click the image below for more on Volunteering With Rotary


John CrowleContact John Crowle about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Some of Our Community Activities

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