We "climb" Mt Everest on Rotary Day February 23rd

February is "Feverest" month for Classrooms in the Clouds and members will be walking or cycling 8.8km on February 23rd to raise money for this charity based in Nepal.

KNIGHTON ROTARY MEMBERS "CLIMB" MT EVEREST during the #Feverest Challenge to raise money for the educational charity Classrooms in the Clouds, based in the Everest region of Nepal.

Why not also give it a try?

Starting on February 23rd , the anniversary of the founding of the Rotary organisation in 1905, Knighton Rotary members aged 55 to 85 will be “climbing” Mt Everest to support the educational charity Classrooms in the Clouds.
Classrooms in the Clouds is raising awareness and funds by setting a climb Everest #Feverest Challenge 2021 this month, not in literal terms obviously, but by inviting people to undertake a distance of 8.8 Kms, the height of Everest, by whatever means they wish.
As Knighton Rotary Treasurer Kim Smith said today “Knighton Rotary Club has been supporting Classrooms in the Clouds for several years to help provide classrooms and teachers for deprived areas in Nepal. This well-run charity uses funds to employ local tradesmen and teachers to run a number of schools across the Everest region of Nepal.”
Knighton Rotary Club members have decided to take on this challenge by whatever means is available to them, whilst obviously complying with Covid 19 guidelines. Some will run, some walk, others bicycle with real and exercise bikes. In being faced with this challenge, Club members of all abilities are hoping to support Classrooms in the Clouds and raise funds for them.
As mentioned above the #Feverest challenge will start on February 23rd , which is known as World #Rotary Day. As Knighton Rotary President Margaret Thorp said “This is a significant day in the Rotary calendar as it allows us to showcase how our organisation is rooted in the local community, but with a global impact. This Climb Everest challenge, as well as Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide, show how our Rotary Club supports not only our local communities but also communities across the globe.”
If you would like to support members of the Knighton Rotary Club in their fundraising for Classrooms in the Clouds, or even take part yourself, then please contact Knighton Rotary Treasurer Kim Smith on 01547 540 593 or knightonrotarytreasurer@gmail.com Many thanks for any help you can give this excellent charity.

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