Habib's visit to District Council has impact on the Beirut appeal


Beirut Appeal Update - February 14th 2021

Dear all,

Thank you to the many Clubs across our District that have already donated towards the Beirut appeal.

We were informed on Friday night that, acting on advice from partners and following liaison with Rotary Foundation, Beirut Cosmopolitan were going to need to complete and send the Global Grant application this weekend.  Thanks to your generous donations they will meet the amount required.

We have worked with them over the weekend to ensure that all clubs that have either sent in donations, or made pledges, are included on the Global Grant application and we will ensure that we celebrate your amazing contributions in future District mailings.

Thanks to the amazing generosity of you all the district will reach the target set enabling us to match fund up to the equivalent of 10,000 dollars from the District Designated Fund. Thank you also to those clubs in our district that sent donations via the Putney Rotary Club appeal. Together all these donations have helped Beirut Cosmopolitan meet their target for the Karantina hospital. Thank you all for contributing to, what has been, an amazing collaborative project.  Clubs and District 1040 are thanked within the Global Grant application and we are grateful for the speed in which you have all responded. 

Any funds coming in after the Global Grant Application has been submitted can, with your permission, be used for additional items for the hospital or other projects as part of the Beirut disaster.  Now we have established good links with President Habib and Beirut Cosmopolitan we are keen to build on these and work together in the future to continue to make a real difference to the lives of so many.

Habib sends good wishes to you all and his thanks for your amazing support.  He wants you all to know that it has been a real privilege working with you and an added bonus of making many friends in District 1040. One day soon I hope we will be sharing photographs of the new Karantina Hospital pediatric and neonatal ward.

Working together we have already achieved so much.  Thank you.

Yours in Rotary                                                                                                                              Rotarian Carol Jordan                                                                                                                     District 1040 International Chair                                                                                                     07890 523 938                                                                                                                                01845 574 084                                                                                                                    caroljordanx@aol.com 

And finally, a list of the 34 Clubs involved at the time of editing in preparation for the February edition of Sharing Rotary Stories (Newsletter). Apologies if we have missed your Club – do please let us know so we can correct our records.  



Bradford Bronte






Halifax Calder

Harrogate Brigantes

Howarth & Worth Valley


Ilkley Wharfedale




Leeds White Rose

Moors Gateway



Northallerton Mowbray




Scunthorpe Pentagon


Skipton Craven



Wakefield Chantry


Wetherby Wharfedale


York Vikings 

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