A fundraising event for our charity, Crisis Skylight Centre

QUIZGO-BINGO, another fun evening hosted on Zoom by Graham and Barbara Harker on 23 April 2021.

Seventeen households participated and £170 was raised for our President's charity, the Crisis Skylight Centre in Croydon.

Combining bingo with a quiz, this was an unusual event and the first challenge was to prepare our four templates, one for each round. Each template contained 20 hexagons in which we placed random numbers from the range 01 to 30. 

A number was called and then a question. If the team had the number on their template and knew the answer to the question, they would write it on their template. When they had completed a row across the template they would call QUIZGO!. The answers were then checked and if they had entered an incorrect answer the game continued until one team had successfully completed a line. 

The frustrating part was knowing the answer to the question, but not having the number on the template!

The winners for each of the rounds were:

·         ROUND 1                JENNIE BLAKE

·         ROUND 2               CHRIS & SHARON DIGHTON

·         ROUND 3               GRAHAM & VALERIE BEST

·         ROUND 4               HEATHER & BOB BAILEY

Thank you and well done to all those who took part.

The Croydon Skylight Centre offers free practical and creative classes and workshops as well as individually tailored advice, guidance and coaching sessions. Many of their classes can lead to qualifications and all activities are run by qualified tutors.

To learn more go to CRISIS SKYLIGHT 

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back The Fundraising Committee exists to coordinate the year’s fundraising,
focusing mainly, but not exclusively, on the President’s chosen charity.