The Allotment Project

Epsom Rotary and Ewell Rotary have teamed to use an allotment to help the local community

Green Thumb, a local gardening company, supported our allotment on 13th June to help us clear the site ready for planting.  Many thanks to them for their assistance.

Our next session will be on

Wednesday and Saturday mornings if you wish to join us.

The allotment is The Epsom Common Allotment which is on Christ Church Road, Epsom immediately opposite Stamford Green Road (The road which goes to the Cricketers Pub)  There is a single lane track between the houses leading to double gates which gives access to the allotments.  Usually someone will be there to let you in if it is a published meeting time.

The other picture is our first big session at the Allotment and we made great inroads.  Seven of us worked hard on Derby afternoon to cut the grass and dig over some of the soil.  

Surrey County Council proposed the project which Epsom Rotary and Ewell Rotary have eagerly taken up as one team.  They have also given money to support the project and logistical support.We have decided to take on an allotment to:-

- provide an occupation for those that benefit from gardening work both within the clubs and in the wider community.  The Veterans are one group who may be interested in helping.

- provide food for the Foodbank

This is a new opportunity which we hope will develop into a great community occupation

The allotment is by Epsom Common, near the Cricketers pub and Maria Anstiss has offered to help with the organisation of work parties etc across both Epsom and Ewell clubs  There is some parking on site but also on the road leading down to the Cricketers pub. 

If you would be able to help in anyway please send your details to Maria who will be "In Charge" 


Clive Richardson


The plan shows a possible location for the raised beds.  These are being constructed by some young people working for Surrey County Council and work has already started.

In the middle are two fruit trees and beyond those is soil which has not been turned for several years.

Our allotment is 109A and is shown on the second plan below.



Maria AnstissContact Maria Anstiss about this page:

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