Help us transform Edie's life.

Mon, Nov 15th 2021 at 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Edie Browne is a remarkable 9 year old girl who lives with her family in Chew Stoke. Despite battling with many health issues and disabilities, Edie loves life and is such a joyful child. She loves going out and about with her family but due to her disabilities this is very difficult. To provide the ability to go out together, the family identified a Vanraam specialised wheelchair bicycle. However this type of equipment is not Government funded. The family approached Chelwood Bridge Rotary, who in the past have raised funds to purchase a walking aid for Edie. 

Chelwood Bridge Rotary have agreed to organise crowdfunding for the Vanraam wheelchair bike, which costs £8,000, through the GlobalGiving platform. Donations will transform Edie and her family's lives. The crowdfunding will be open for the whole of November and donations can be made via Global Giving, link below.  Thank You

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