Evening Meeting - 6.00pm for 6.30pm - International Students Evening

Mon, Jan 30th 2023 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Meal (£13:50): * Chicken liver parfait with seasonal chutney and toasted sour dough, Roast loin of pork with sage and apricot stuffing roast potatoes and vegetables Tea/Coffee or Vegan Meal: *Greek salad, Butternut squash risotto Tea/Coffee

Dear Rotarians,

I wanted to pass on my thanks for all those who contributed to last night's International Evening.

I throughly enjoyed hearing from the 12 wonderful young people and meeting their tutors.

I found it quite astonishing that all 12 students had totally different experiences to report, and hearing some of their observations very amusing and informative.

The British welcome, helpful tutors, and odd side of the road for driving.

The way we constantly thank and apologise is very different but one student reported to be doing it when back home recently much to the amusement of their peers!

I was so impressed that they were so delighted to come and meet with a room full of strangers when 3 students have only been here since September! I would not have had the confidence to do the same at their age.

Their language skills were amazing, I wish I could do the same back in their own countries.

The atmosphere and fellowship in the restaurant was wonderful and so lovely to have so many Rotarian partners and Mike’s guests of Steve and Diane and potential new Rotarian Sherrie-Jane attend.

Thank you David G for organising the event, and making the evening seem so effortless.

A big thank you also to Robin and Don for liaising with the schools and hosting their tables.

I need to say a huge thank you to Jackie who has worked so hard with The Wynnstay in regard to the catering and organising the meal, and running the raffle beautifully!

The kind donation of funds towards the evening by our fellow Rotarianis is also greatly appreciated and Jackie told me we have raised £90:00 with the raffle.

Thank you to The Wynnstay and Rotarians for the raffle prizes.

To those Rotarians unable to attend you were missed but I hope you can hear all about it from those in attendance.

The evening seemed even more enjoyable after such a long gap - thank you for pushing to restart such a lovely event!

Kind regards

Yours in Fellowship

Joanna Banks

President Oswestry Rotary Club


This year we welcome invited international students and staff from 3 local schools to tell us about their experience of UK education.

Hello Everyone

Our Oswestry Rotary Club International Evening will be held at The Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry on 30th January 18.00 for 18.30.

Our International guests will be from Adcote School, Moreton Hall School and Ellesmere College.

Numbers are limited so first come first served and the cost is £13.50 per person payable by cheque made out to the Rotary Club of Oswestry at either of the next two Club Meetings (16th or 23rd January).

The price includes a two course meal and a coffee/tea.

Many thanks.
IPP David Griggs

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