Sailability & Rotary - 25/07/22

Press Report

Irvine Seagate Rotary’s speaker on Monday was Andrew Macleman from Gryffe Valley Rotary in Renfrewshire, talking about enabling the disabled to go sailing.  Ten years ago they provided a hoist and a specially adapted dinghy at Castle Semple Loch.  This allowed wheelchair users to be lifted from the chair int the dinghy and go sailing on the loch with an experienced sailor.  Some years later they raised £30,000 to fund a boat with a ramp that allows up to 4 wheelchairs and carers to go out on the loch.  This was the first of its kind in the UK.  It proved very popular to the extent that it is booked up well in advance and earned them a gold medal from Disability Sailing.  It is used by various groups including the spinal injuries unit at the Q.E.  Hospital, and because of the demand Castle Semple are shortly to get another of these boats.

A Vote of Thanks was proposed by President Hugh Hutchison who noted that this was a good example of Rotary making a difference in the community.

In the business part of the meeting it was noted that Seagate will be again having their Charity Hot Dog Stall on Kilwinning Road at Marymass.

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