Nature Garden Restoration at Glyne Gap School

Rotarians repaint fencing and start restoration with materials supplied by Trade Paints.

The  Club was contacted by Gemma Cook a mum with a son ay Glyne Gap School, who wanted some help to restore the school’s nature garden which had fallen into disrepair. Upon visiting the site it was decided that best way for our club to help with the restoration was to paint the fence and plant some apple trees. 

Rotarian David Tollet made contact with Kevin White at Trade Paints who very kindly donated the paint and brushes for the job. 

On Thursday 27th Rotarians David Dixson, Perry Puddefoot, Keith Walter, Phil Johnson, and Graham Forster turned up kitted out with overalls and paintbrushes and quickly painted the twelve panel fence in a couple of hours. We were ably supported by Gemma who provided tea, coffee and mince pies to keep up our spirits. We will be returning in the spring to plant the apple trees. In all this has been a very successful community project and the garden which will be fully restored by next summer will provide a lovely space for the pupils of Glyne Gap School.

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