Year 3 Pupils from Blagdon Primary School


As part of a long running programme the Rotary club of Chelwood Bridge donated Usborne Illustrated Dictionaries to Year 3 pupils at Blagdon Primary School. Following the presentation club members were invited to visit the school so that the children could show their gratitude. Three Rotarians were able to attend where they were entertained by a special programme of music and poetry prior to receiving an individual ‘thank you’ letter from each of the 18 recipients. 

It was very gratifying to see the genuine pleasure that the  children had in receiving and using the books and to know that there was still a place for the printed page in this digital age. 

Pictures of 2 of the 18 letters received from Year 3 pupils at Blagdon Primary School attached 

Rtn. Adrian Miller

Transcript of 2 of the 18 letters received from Year 3 pupils at Blagdon Primary School.

From William:  Dear the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge. Thank you for my lovely dictionary. I will use it for the rest of my life. I am really grateful for it and I love al the pictures. I really like that on the first page there is space where your friends can write there (sic) autographs. I am very happy to have my own dictionary.  THANK YOU ROTARY CLUB.

From Isabelle:  Dear the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge. Thank you for our dictionaries it is very helpful and kind of you. I am very grateful that the Rotary service helps education and health. I have already used my dictionary 4 times in this letter and will use it loads.

Rotarians Adrian, Duncan and Ken

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