Archie McGlynn returns to the The Philippines

Archie McGlynn visits Tagaytay

Past President Archie McGlynn returned to a Club to which he was familiar whilst he was located in The Philippines.

Archie took the opportunity afforded by his March visit to exchange the Clubs first sister agreement with Tagaytay Rotary Club.

Archie's previous visit in Ocober 2023 took him to visit Tagaytay City jail where he presented some gifts to the warden of the City Jail for the People deprived of liberty (PDL's)

 (Tagaytay is a popular holiday town south of Manila on the Philippine island Luzon. Known for its mild climate, it sits on a ridge above Taal Volcano Island, an active volcano surrounded by Taal Lake. Overlooking the area, People’s Park in the Sky occupies the grounds of a never-finished presidential mansion. Picnic Grove is a recreation area with trails and a zip line.)


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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Litterpick April 2023

A community litterpick will take place on March 24th


Give something back to the community where we live!

Gracie and Tilly pictured with the Mayor of Ponteland Cllr. Christine Greenwell

Children's boat race was won by Gracie aged 7, the runner up was Tilly Aged 10, sisters from Monkseaton.

Santa's Sleigh 2022

Santa's Sleigh has been completely destroyed by fire


Rotary Ponteland is actively working on a plan to improve the environment around Ponteland


Winner of Children's Boat race


Children helped to celebrate World Polio Day on October 24th by planting crocuses in their school grounds donated by Rotary Ponteland
