Around the world – The Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity which funds projects throughout the world. We carry out a range of international programmes and activities, designed to help our members to reach out to the people in need worldwide.

We use our skills and links to clubs in other countries to alleviate some of the main causes of death, illness, and deprivation.

Rotary has been at the forefront of the eradication of polio worldwide. Since 1985, this has been its key humanitarian priority. Rotary spearheaded the campaign at a time when there were over 1,000 polio cases a day in 125 countries, paralysing and even killing children. Today, the number of cases is down by 99.9%. Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Our main areas of focus as a worldwide organisation include:
•    Disease prevention and treatment
•    Water and sanitation
•    Economic and community development

We worked in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Butembo Semuliki (Democratic Republic of Congo) to instal a water tank in a school where there had been an outbreak of Ebola. The provision of hand washing facilities was needed as an aid to prevent the spread of this disease. The washing facilities have since then been useful for the prevention of the spread of Coronavirus as well.  

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Dragonboat Racing, Pangbourne Meadows 8/6/2024

During the year we carry out some enjoyable fundraising activities so that we can support our charitable activities.


The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity which funds projects throughout the world. We carry out a range of international programmes and activities, designed to help our members to reach out to the people in need worldwide.


Rotary International of Great Britain and Ireland runs a number of activities nationwide that we support. These enable our youth to enjoy challenges, develop strong bonds of friendship, and help them to realise their hopes, dreams and expectations.

Senior Citizens' Party

Within Reading and the surrounding areas, we carry out, and have carried out, a range of different activities and projects with the aim of helping improve quality of life.
