Friends of Rotary

Friends of Rotary is a program that invites individuals to team up with Rotary without being a full member.

Becoming a Friend of Rotary allows you to share our ideals and objectives without the responsibility or commitment required from a full member. But it does allow you to be part of a Rotary club to contribute to the community and to assist in club projects and events when you are available to do so. 

Being a Friend of Rotary allows you to participate in fundraising events and projects or to simply make donations to club projects.  However, some activities are not specifically designed to raise funds. They can be to assist in a hands-on working way, or they can be just to socialise. Rotarians call this fellowship. It is an opportunity to enjoy activities and each other's company, catch up with old friends and make or develop new ones.

Benefits of Friends of Rotary

  • Supporting Rotary service projects that help local or international communities.
  • A way for those who cannot make Rotary meetings to feel involved in the effort to assist their community. 
  • It can be a stepping stone for someone who wants to invest in the community but does not know a lot about Rotary.
  • You will get a newsletter four times a year letting you know what is going on
  • You have an open invitation to come along to any Rotary meeting
  • You have access to our Friends of Rotary Facebook Group to connect with other like-minded people
  • It can lead to full-time Rotary membership if desired.

Requirements of Friends of Rotary

  • Attend and/or be involved in at least one fundraiser or service project per year.
  • Attend at least one social event per year.
  • Offer referrals to the club for potential new members of Friends of Rotary or fully-fledged Rotarians.
  • Offer fresh ideas to the club about projects or fundraising activities we could embrace.
  • To abide by the Rotary 4-way test:
    • Is it the TRUTH?
    • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    • Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
    • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
  • Most importantly, have fun!


Please note that as a Friend of Rotary, the following restrictions apply:

  • You would not be able to serve as a member of a specific Rotary committee.
  • You would not be eligible to become a board member.
  • You could not become an elected official of the club.
  • You may not make any commitment or agreement  on behalf of the Rotary Club of Turton

Peter GaskellContact Peter Gaskell about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Friends of Rotary sub-pages:

Duke of Edinburgh Award

more The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (commonly abbreviated DofE) is a youth awards programme founded in the United Kingdom in 1956 by our late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Rotarian, that has since expanded to 144 nations.

Bolton Lads and Girls Club

more Bolton Lads and Girls Club is a youth club and registered charity based in Bolton, Greater Manchester.


more Breaking the Stigma on Mental Health

Northwest Air Ambulance

more Funded by people, for the people. Bringing hospital to the patient!

Bolton Mountain Rescue Team

more Bolton Mountain Rescue Team are one of the voluntary Mountain Rescue teams covering England and Wales. BMRT provide a vital care to those who are in need. BMRT are on call 24/7, 365 days of the year, whatever the weather, and have been since 1968.

Bolton NHS Charitable Fund

more Better Care Together

Bolton Hospice

more Caring from the Heart