Raising funds for Aquabox

This year our Presidents special project is Aquabox

Club are supporting Aquabox

The Club are this year are raising funds for Aquabox which is this our President, Tony Burley's cause. This is in addition to our on-going support of local and international causes.

Aquabox provides safe drinking water and humanitarian aid to people affected by natural disasters, extreme weather and conflicts. Millions of people around the world don’t have access to clean water for drinking, cooking or washing. A single Aquabox family filter can convert up to half a million litres of polluted water into safe, clean water.
Your local Rotary Club is running the Aquabox Appeal to help support this vital work in getting clean water to these in need.
We are attending public events, visiting local schools in the Strath, talking to local businesses, and have opened a Just Giving Appeal page for public donations. To donate follow the link below to the Just Giving page where you can make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer your kind donation can be topped up by 25% through Gift Aid.

So far we have raised over £1,500 for Aquabox which has been raised from fund raising events and a magnificant ££550 from Carrbridge Primary School. 

An additional £250 has been raised via Justgiving

Thank you, funds raised goes towards helping those less fortunate than us. Click the link below to find out more and/or donate https://www.justgiving.com/page/spey-valley-rotary-1701428433371

Contact Alan Rankin about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Club are supporting Aquabox

This year our Presidents special project is Aquabox

Club Members and partners at the Barbeque

New President, Tony Burley was presented with his chain of office by outgoing president Stewart, McNeish at a Barbeque held in Stewarts garden.
