Speaker Meeting, 6.15 for 6.30pm

Mon, Jul 16th 2018 at 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

Pictured (centre): Tess Reay, the Club's RYLA candidate

Club members please log in for more information.

RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a leadership development program which focuses on secondary school students, university students, or young professionals. RYLA events are typically 3–10 days long and cover a variety of topics including:

• Leadership fundamentals and ethics
• Communication skills
• Problem solving and conflict management
• Community and global citizenship

Sadly our RYLA candidate this year had to drop out but Pershore Club offered us their reserve candidate, Tess Reay, who is delighted to be given this chance by Swindon North.  Accompanied by her father and Pershore Club Rotary member Brian “Kit” Carson, she came to this meeting to introduce herself and to address our members.  

Rotarian Kit Carson brought greetings from Pershore Rotary Club and said they were grateful to us giving Tess her RYLA experience.  He handed a club banner to President Ann.

Tess said she is studying Media Studies and Drama and is hoping to gain work experience during the summer holidays.   Her career goal is to be involved with Events Management and she hopes to achieve this in employment rather than attending University. She has just completed her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and is looking forward to the RYLA course and to meeting people and to the activities.  She is also looking forward to being part of a team and to be a team leader although she likes to encourage people to be leaders too,

President Ann asked Tess how she felt abut not being able to use her mobile phone on the course – she said it didn’t worry her!!!

Tess is a very worthy candidate and we are looking forward to her return visit when she will share her experience with us.

'What We Do' Main Pages:



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A Partner Club is a Rotary club that supports ShelterBox's work in disaster relief by donating over £2,000 in a Rotary year


24th October is World Polio Day


From Rotary Club local heats to national finals, Rotary Youth Competitions in a range of creative areas let young people’s skills flourish.


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£1286 has been sent from our Emergency Disaster Fund to the Disasters Emergency Committee UKRAINE HUMANITARIAN APPEAL


Rotary’s second major donation, of £208,000, was handed over on 7th July 2021 when local Rotarians visited the Great Western Hospital to view the build progress of the nearly completed radiotherapy unit.


A brief summary of our Rotary year ending 30/06/2023


Giving money and support to the people in Swindon & district who need it most


We went to the races in March. It was a meeting with 10 races, 8 riders in each. It wasn’t at Epsom, or Haydock Park, or just up the M4 at Newbury. It was, of all places, in Wanborough Village Hall.


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The Rotary Club of North Wiltshire (the name was changed to the Rotary Club of Swindon North in 2008) received its charter from Rotary International on 28th September 1966


Rotarian Terry Williams' remarkable and unique fund raising effort, living in a ShelterBox emergency tent for a week in the Market Place, Highworth
