Speaker Meeting, 6.15 for 6.30pm

Mon, Jun 19th 2023 at 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Speaker: Paul Dobson, Project Manager, STEP

STEP is a registered charity which provides a safe and supportive environment for children and young people who are experiencing isolation and exclusion due to either their lack of social skills, personal circumstances or poverty, living in Swindon or the wider community. 

It works creatively using therapeutic group work to enable children and young people to make a positive contribution to society through the delivery of life and social skills, with recognition of achievement through accreditation.

20 years ago Paul Dobson was working for a film company in London but he had a strong desire to do something completely different and more fulfilling.  He moved to Swindon and became a volunteer for STEP.  “After 2 to 3 months,” he said, “I was hooked and I knew that this was where I wanted to be.”  He is now employed by the charity at its Project Manager.

In the picture, Paul is flanked by our Club President Terry and our Vice President Ann.

Back in 2003 STEP was working with 12 to 18 year olds and it became obvious that the referrals were being made far too late.  The youngsters were violent, threatening and abusive and most had already been through the justice system.   Change was needed and so today STEP sees children from the age of 7.

Referrals only come from professionals, such as teachers, social workers, doctors and nurses.  

Seven group sessions are held for them, 5 days a week.  They are asked to come to at least one session a week, voluntarily, but most do attend.   The object of the sessions is to create and build their resilience, step by step, and so give them the life skills to do better in future.   Paul does not like to use the word “therapy” but someone once said: “STEP therapizes them without them realising they are being therapized.”

STEP’s running costs are approximately £280,000 a year, half of which has to be fund raised.

Paul’s enthusiasm for his job was so evident and our community is fortunate that he chose Swindon for his complete change of career and direction.

More information: STEP’s website

'What We Do' Main Pages:



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