7:15pm Mrs Brenda Fogg

Tue, Aug 20th 2013 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Brenda Fogg Hope Restored

Brenda Fogg, founder of the drop-in centre Hope Restored 2 years ago, which is  based at Gloddaeth United Church, Chapel Street, Llandudno was the speaker at the meeting held on Tuesday 20th August which was also open to friends and family of the Rotarians. She was introduced to the assembly by President Steve Butler

Whilst not a registered charity, Hop Restored serves hot meals to  the homeless or for those in need, two days a week, and for the vast majority of recipients, they will be the only hot meals eaten  during that week.

People are homeless for a variety of reasons, they may have suffered a marriage breakdown, have alcohol, illness, drugs or mental health issues. Other churches locally  do give out sandwiches and fruit, but Brenda would like funding so that hot meals could be offered five days a week.

Whenever possible, if money is available, tents and blankets are provided to keep clients warm especially throughout the winter months

Hope Restored also helps homeless people claim housing benefit, and some have  become volunteers themselves. The name Hope Restored was coined by a previous recipient who has now turned his life around because Hope Restored had indeed done just,  given him hope

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