Talk on YMCA

Thu, Feb 12th 2015 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

A speaker from the YMCA

Talk by Barry Davidson on the YMCA and the Princes Trust Team Programme, 12th Feb. 2015.

Barry was introduced as a YMCA Team Leader with a background as an electrician, teacher and sports coach.

He began by explaining the YMCA vision of developing the mind, body and spirit of young people. He explained how they aimed to achieve this through a range of projects and partnerships in the local area. He explained recent developments in Social Enterprise, involved retail, media and furniture renovation operations. Over the last 3 years in the Perth area over 700 young people have been helped with almost 65% being helped into employment.

Barry himself is the Team Leader for the Princes Trust Team Programme. This involves taking a group of mostly disadvantaged young people through a 12 week programme designed to develop their skills and confidence, enabling them to mix and make new friends, as well as obtaining meaningful qualifications. Historically, 3 out of 4 of those on the programme have moved onto work, education or training.

Barry impressed his audience with not only the relevance and effectiveness of the programmes he outlined, but with his own commitment and enthusiasm to helping young people often with real difficulties and issues in their lives.

Bill Roxburgh proposed a vote of thanks. 

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