Children First Uganda/Calm Africa.

Wed, Oct 7th 2015 at 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Speaker - Tony Bateman

Children First Uganda

Speaker:  Tony Bateman from Children First Uganda / Calm Africa   &



Not many of us know much about Uganda.  And most of us, most of the time, fail to recognise how fortunate we are.So for members of an organisation dedicated to world-wide fellowship and understanding, it was good to welcome someone not only with knowledge of that country but also with real experience of making a difference there.

Tony spoke to us about getting involved in two charities, after volunteering to teach for a short (as he then thought!) time in Uganda after leaving the army: – Calm (Children's rights Advocacy and Lobby Mission) Africa is based actually in Uganda and Children First Uganda is UK based, raising funds for the work from our (rather richer) country.

Uganda is very different from the UK.  The majority of the money raised goes on sponsoring pupils at 4 schools.With no government funding it costs around £230 per year for each pupil, very much less than is spent on UK pupils.The schools had to be built from scratch – using local labour as available, and whatever was available was put to use immediately.One problem arose in separating new pupils, eager to learn, from workers on the rest of the school, who were from the local prison!Strong safeguards were needed against endemic corruption, and the battle against misappropriation of funds is continuous.

That problem is always there in any land.  Less likely to be a problem in the UK is Child Sacrifice.Government, of course, denies that it takes place, partly because of concern for the country's reputation, and partly because those practising it are more likely to be the better-educated and more prosperous members of that society.So children need protection from kidnap on their long journeys from home to school, which means that many boarding places are needed.The message that every child has worth – even for example the unwanted child of a prostitute – is fundamental to the work of these charities; it is not a message that can be assumed.

So the work of the schools continues, and we heard – and felt – the pride taken in the successes.  Many of those involved are volunteers, including some gap year students from the UK who learn more than they expect.And the message goes out that there is much to do in the world before we can begin to claim that all is well!

Our grateful thanks to Tony for opening our eyes, and for showing us one of the ways in which we can make a difference.

Charles Minchin.

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