Jeans for Genes Day

Fri, Sep 22nd 2017 at 7:15 am - 8:30 am

Wear Jeans for the meeting

There are between 4,000 and 6,000 diagnosed genetic disorders.

It is estimated that one in 25 children is affected by a genetic disorder and therefore 30,000 babies and children are newly diagnosed in the UK each year.

Some genetic disorders are apparent at birth while others are diagnosed at different stages throughout childhood, and sometimes into adulthood.

Please take a look below to learn more about the children we support and the difference your donations make.

Skye's story

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Collection held at Tescos Bradley Stoke

MS Bradley Stoke at Rotary Meeting

Handing over cheque for the MS centre at Rotary Club meeting


Some activities the club were involved in


Each year Bradley Stoke Rotary club organise a Barn Dance at St Marys Rugby Club

The picture shows the rotarians who completed the event.

Peter Vernon leads rotarians in abseiling down Southmead Hospital This event is due to run again this year


Organisations who have been aided by donations and the support of Bradley Stoke Rotary Club


The Knitters raise money for St Peters Hospice The photo shows Steve Bateman presenting a cheque to the organisers after a talk at a Rotary Meeting.


ICS Local Student Jake's visit to teach and help individuals Bradley Stoke Roary provided some funds for Jake to undertake a trip to Burkino Faso


Antenatal Results and Choices


Rainbow Dreams South Africa Aprogramme supported by Bradley Stoke Rotarians


YGF Year 10 students at UWE

Rotary Handover Dinner

Rotary Charities and Events

Rich Slade proudly received the trophy

Richard Slade and his team at Bath Rotary Golf Event
