Lunch - Lyndon Heap is our speaker

Mon, Oct 7th 2019 at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The ‘Future of Computing’ .

It’s perfectly reasonable to buy a desktop or even a powerful laptop these days, that would have been a considered a Supercomputer in the early nineties. The problem is that todays computing requirements are changing and becoming ever more demanding.

The next stage in computer evolvement will revolve around the development of Quantum Computing. This non-technical talk is to highlight the restrictions being placed on the Classic computer [yes, they are too slow] and tomorrows requirement.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is Rotary International's own charity, offering Rotarians the opportunity to apply for financial aid for their major projects, either operating at home or overseas


International Projects and support overseas


Community; some projects are within the local area, involving support for our senior citizens, and some involve primary school-aged children with our Rotakids clubs.


We currently have 4 primary schools with active Rotakids' clubs. St Andrews, St Pauls, Hippings and White Ash specialist school


See panel on right


Our main local environment project is the improvement of Tinker Brook woodland. We also have the Purple Garden project, (Purple 4Polio) set in Rhyddings Park. Plus environmental work with our Rotakids clubs. Regular litter-picks.


Projects initiated or supported by members to provide opportunities for young people in our local area.
