Weekly meeting

Tue, Apr 7th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm


Club members please log in for more information.

At 7pm on Tuesday 7th April 2020 the Rotary Club of the Howe of Fife undertook a virtual web meeting using “GoToMeeting” software on the Internet. Participating were:
Cathy Adamson
Don Allan
John Bonington
Sandy Davis
Libby Elliot
Roddy Greig
Andre Hawryliw
David Jack
Andrew Kennedy
John Kerr
Robin Rippin
Prior apologies were received from Duncan Pickard and James Storrar.
In addition to evaluating the software and its potential, the main objective of the meeting was to allow members to catch up with each other and reconnect in this difficult time of social isolation. However two items of business were also agreed:
1) To donate £500 to CHAS using the £450 refund from RYLA, which is now cancelled for 2020. This is in accordance with a previously circulated email and is in response to a desperate appeal for help from this important local charity.
2) To defer the AGM from 14th April until such time that the club is able to reconvene a conventional meeting. This was felt necessary to obtain full participation from the membership without the obstructions of video conferencing.
It seems that GoToMeeting experience is very platform dependent and the experience on an iPad was less than satisfactory, being limited to just six participant views. There are also issues with audio quality and the number of people speaking simultaneously. To this end it was agreed to meet again on Tuesday 14th April (not the AGM) and evaluate an alternative software called “Zoom”. 
It would be helpful if you download the Zoom software from the App Store, Play Store or internet (depending on your platform) before accessing the above link (now deleted).
Note that unlike GoToMeeting where it is possible to connect via a simple telephone (landline or mobile), Zoom only works over the Internet unless the meeting is prepared to accept additional subscription charges. Zoom therefore requires a computer, tablet or smartphone. This was the main reason for trying GoToMeeting first.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Images in the fight to eradicate polio - click to enlarge and use arrows to cycle through - or just watch the carousel


Do you have an idea that would make things better for the people in your community? Are you prepared to do something about it? Need some help to make it happen?


This showcases some of the things our Community Team does.


Periodically we shall post mainly pictures from events in our past.


Images of our beautiful surroundings in the Howe of Fife.
