Club visit to Guernsey May 2016

Mon, Jul 27th 2020 at 1:57 pm -

Birstall Luddites Club visit to the Rotary Club of Guernsey.

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
Club visit to the Rotary Club of Guernsey Apr 29 to May 2nd..
The seeds for this visit were sown when Birstall Luddite Rotarian David Mullens upped sticks and
accepted a job in Guernsey, a big move in any ones book.
In due course David transferred to the Rotary Club of Guernsey and hence the lure of a club visit to
David and Caroline in their enviable new location in the Channel Isles.
President Margaret and Nigel set off 5 am "saw us driving through a blizzard to Manchester Airport to
catch the 9:10 am Guernsey flight.
Fortunately the sun shone for the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend and it was lovely to see David and Caroline again. They were wonderful hosts, taking us around and introducing us to their Rotary Club members at one of Davids famous BBQs. Club banners were exchanged before we made a very
early flight back to Manchester".
 President Margaret exchanging Rotary banners.
 LINK Rotary Club of Guernsey
 Click image below for photos of Guernsey
This photo of Guernsey is courtesy of TripAdvisor

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