Completed meetings and events 2023-2024
Wed 6th December 2023 Santa Sleigh & Collections 2023
Santa is back for the Christmas street tour.It's now possible to donate online on our just giving page

Sun 15th October 2023 - Tue 31st October 2023 Rotary Glasses Appeal
Sending used glasses to Third World Countries
Fri 13th October 2023 Thank You Rotary from Stephenson Way Academy
A lovely letter of thanks from the Children of Stephenson Way academy read more...
Tue 10th October 2023 Town Clerk Visits Rotary
At a recent meeting of Rotary Newton Aycliffe, President Jean Thompson, members and guests welcomed Dan Austin, Town Clerk to Great Aycliffe Town Council. read more...
Rtn Geoff Batchelor answered a call for assistance from Vicky Bain and Margaret Corrigan who run the foodbank (The Trussell Trust) at St. Clare's Church Hall. read more...
Tue 22nd August 2023 Aycliffe Cancer Support Group
Another visit for our President Jean Thompson. Today we called into the Aycliffe Town Centre Hub for the Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group. Allison White and Janice Goff plus other volunteers welcomed us warmly as always. read more...
Sun 20th August 2023 Newton Aycliffe Rotary live on Aycliffe Radio
These 2 guys, Gary Blenkinsopp and Jon Bean, just played a blinder on Aycliffe Radio. Interviewed by Phil Hawkins and Andrew Hill, they talked for an hour on all things Rotary. And they have been invited back!! Well done all.