Completed meetings and events 2020-2021

Tue 29th June 2021 Meeting (via Zoom))
President John's Valedictory
Tue 22nd June 2021 This meeting will be a social gathering and bring-your-own picnic in our President John's garden.
Numbers will be restricted to 30.Please let President John know if you will be attending.
(Log in to see address, etc.)

Tue 15th June 2021 Speaker Meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Gilbert McGinn - My trip to Myanmar
Tue 25th May 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
.Speaker: Gloria Barnett - ‘The Importance of The Oceans’
Tue 18th May 2021 Speaker Meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: John Wagstaff - ‘Life on London Buses’Tue 11th May 2021 Social Meeting (Via Zoom)
Tue 4th May 2021 Speaker Meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker Diana Sargeant - “Coincidences!’Tue 27th April 2021 Meeting (Via Zoom)
Tue 20th April 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Tim Humann - 'Eco Hub Bromley’The talk is about proposals for an urban plan / space making initiative by bringing an eco-hub in the heart of Bromley.

Tue 13th April 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
.Speaker: Caroline Jenner - ‘My writing’
Tue 6th April 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
.Speaker Vic - ‘Flying over London’
Tue 30th March 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Peter Braithwaite - 'My Skating Journey'
Tue 23rd March 2021 Speaker (Via Zoom)
Councillor Peter Morgan - ‘Bromley Town Centre Development’
Tue 16th March 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Bill Head-Rapson - 'Small livestock farmers in Rwanda'
Tue 9th March 2021 Speaker Meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Mayor of Bromley - Councillor Hannah Gray
Tue 2nd March 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
.Speaker Vic - ‘The Christmas Collection Project’
Tue 23rd February 2021 Meeting (Via Zoom)
Tue 16th February 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Vanessa O’Leary - ‘Teaching science to youth people today’
Tue 9th February 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
.Speakers Tony and Adrian - ‘Hurricane’
Tue 2nd February 2021 Would I Lie to You (Via Zoom)
Hosted by Andy SimsTue 26th January 2021 Council meeting (Via Zoom)
Tue 26th January 2021 Planning meeting (Via Zoom)
Mid to Long term thinking.
Tue 19th January 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Peter Stammers (RC of Sutton Nonsuch) - ‘Who needs Time’
Tue 12th January 2021 Business meeting (Via Zoom)
(including BUDGET proposals).
Tue 5th January 2021 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
President John will introduce “A Walking Tour of Bromley”
Tue 15th December 2020 Melvyn’s Teasure Hunt (via Zoom)
Tue 8th December 2020 Speaker meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker: Fred Carey - ‘My Army days in The East’Tue 1st December 2020 Fund Raising meeting (via Zoom)
Discussion regarding the Christmas Sleigh collections
Tue 24th November 2020 Speaker meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker: Mike Elisha -‘A short life in Italy’.
Tue 17th November 2020 Zoom meeting / Quiz/‘Would I Lie to You?”
Tue 10th November 2020 Speaker Meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker:John Halligan - 'The mistresses of Charles 2nd and how they affect the aristocracy of today!' read more...
Tue 3rd November 2020 Planning meeting (via Zoom)

Tue 27th October 2020 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speaker: Andy Sims - ‘My work and life through the years’.
Tue 20th October 2020 Zoom meeting / Quiz (To be confirmed)

Tue 13th October 2020 KEEPING IN TOUCH! (Part 2)

Tue 6th October 2020 KEEPING IN TOUCH! (Part 1)

Tue 29th September 2020 Speaker meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker: Major Heather Grinsted - Fighting and responding to modern slavery and human trafficking
Tue 22nd September 2020 Speaker meeting (Via Zoom)
Speakers: Mary and Martin Print
Tue 15th September 2020 Melvyn’s Dingbats (via Zoom)

Tue 8th September 2020 Speaker meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker: Caroline Jenner - ‘My life and interests’
Tue 1st September 2020 Planning meeting (via Zoom)

Tue 25th August 2020 Speaker meeting (via Zoom)
Speaker: Steve Wood
Tue 11th August 2020 A guided walk around Jubilee Country Park
John will lead the walk and is thinking of starting at 1 pm and progress to a picnic towards 2 pm. The picnic area is fairly close to the car park. Friends and family welcome.
Sat 8th August 2020 A visit to the Wildwood Vineyard
Visit to the vineyard, wine tasting and picnic (take your own). read more...
Tue 4th August 2020 Zoom meeting.
‘Business’ meeting
Tue 28th July 2020 Zoom meeting.
Speaker: Tom Tooley - ‘My rescue by and work for the RNLI’
Tue 21st July 2020 Zoom meeting and Quiz

Tue 14th July 2020 Outing ... to Charles's garden.

Tue 7th July 2020 Zoom meeting.