• We are People of Action

  • Making a difference in our communities

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Rotary Competitions for Young People


Rotary South East Magazine

Our quarterly review of activities and events in our District


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Bringing Rotary to the World


Environmental Updates from the Riverside

A monthly review of the environmental issues with Ideas how we can all play our part


In the next 30 days...

Physionet collections

Monday 1st July 2024 - Monday 30th June 2025

RC Chestfield Our ongoing collection of Medical Aids in support of Physionet


Join Us for Sidcup Rotary Club's Quiz Night

Friday 21st February 2025

RC Sidcup Supporting Local and International Charities Sidcup Sports Club, 49 Sydney Rd, DA14 6RA Tickets: £10 each | Tables of 6–8 Contact Rotarian Paul Davidson at 07939 127303 or davidson.rotary@btinternet.com

District 1120 Council Meeting

Saturday 22nd February 2025

District Event: Aylesford School, Teapot Lane, Maidstone ME20 7JU (Teas and coffees available from 08:30 am)


60's and 70's Dance with Chicory Tip

Saturday 22nd February 2025

RC Edenbridge and Westerham Chicory Tip are back to rock till we drop, which may not take long. Only £12 a pop; bring your own nibbles and frequent our well-priced licensed bar. For tickets call Rotarian John Martin on 07593 887588

Cheese and Wine

Friday 28th February 2025

RC Canterbury, Forest of Blean Enjoy an evening tasting Wines paired with interesting Cheeses. At Lower Hardres Village Hall.

Rotary South East (UK) & Gibraltar

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

68 Clubs Making A Difference

We have 68 great Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 1120; stretching from South East London, along the Kent and Sussex coasts and also including Gibraltar. We are 1,650 men and women; all having fun whilst serving our communities and making a difference worldwide.

What We Do

We like to meet people, socialise and have fun together whilst doing good in the world. 

We apply our leadership and expertise to solve social issues. We raise funds and manage projects both locally in our own communities and also overseas to promote peace, alleviate poverty, support education, fight disease, provide clean water and address poor sanitation. 

Since the mid eighties Rotary, together with the World Health Organisation and other partners, has also been at the forefront of the battle to eradicate polio from the world.

Looking for a new opportunity?

Rotary is not just a club that you join. It is an invitation to endless opportunities. Rotary opens opportunities for you to serve in a project as big and historic as End Polio Now or in a small community project where you plant a tree to help the environment. Everything we do opens another opportunity for someone, somewhere.

If you think Rotary could be for you we would love to hear from you soon. Just email membership@rotarysoutheast.org.

Supporting The Environment

Supporting the Environment has become Rotary's 7th Area of Focus.

Supporting The Environment

More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.

Polio Latest

End Polio Now

Updated 21st January 2025

Our flagship project of Polio eradication continues with only two Polio endemic countries Pakistan and Afghanistan. The head line figurers year to date are:

Afghanistan 23 cases in 2024
Pakistan 68 cases in 2024 

Wild poliovirus is still circulating in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Last year, the variant poliovirus was detected in a few previously polio-free countries — a stark reminder that if polio exists anywhere, it’s a threat everywhere.

The concern with natural disasters and ongoing conflicts in many parts of the world is that immunisation rates are dropping. Cases of Vaccine Derived Polio are quickly jumped on with targeted vaccinations but the only answer is total eradication and we are so close. The development of novel vaccines using the technology developed in COVID now stops the transmission of Vaccine derived cases. Please support End Polio Now Five Key Facts On Polio:

1. Polio mainly affects children under age 5.
2. There is no cure, but polio is preventable with a vaccine.
3. Only two countries continue to show new cases of wild polio virus  
4. We’ve reduced cases by 99.9% since 1988.
5. Until we end polio forever, every child is at risk.

The fight continues ....

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