Rotary Southport Links Photo Galleries

Southport Flowershow 2022
Southport Links Rotary treated a group of residents to a morning at the prestigious Southport Flower Show
Handover Meeting
Partners welcome as we change our team. At The Bold, book in with Phil Holloway.
Young Photographers Competition 2020
The Winning entries from this years Young Photographers Competiton
Wheelchair Push at The Southport Flower Show
Each year, the members of our Rotary Club offer to help the residents of a residential home near to the Southport Flower Show visit the show. The members are each paired up with a resident with a wheelchair to provide an enjoyable morning at the show.
Venue - Hesketh Golf Club, Southport. Successful fundraising event for Charity over many years. The Charity to be supported this year will be 'Brainwave'.
Young Photographers Competition
Peak School Day Out
Southport Links Rotary treated the pupils of Peak School Marple to a day at the seaside
Children's Eye Test Programme, Carriacou
The Rotary Club of Southport Links support Carriacou
Service Above Self Presentation Evening
Our annual presentation evening for the Southport Schools
Andrew Menary QC
Young Photographer Competition 2016
Southport Photographic Society & The Rotary Club of Southport Links
Its Shoebox Time!!
Its Christmas and we start our annual collection of shoeboxes from local schools
Ainsdale and District Night
An evening organised by the club members who live in the Ainsdale area
26th Charter Night
President Geoff Bigg welcomes Lord Mayor of Liverpool 2013/14, Gary Millar to speak to members and guests at our 26th Charter Night
Tree Planting in Ainsdale
Rotarian Nick Philpott was invited to attend a tree planting project
Children in Need Collection
Members of The Rotary Club of Southport Links assisted by Greenbank Interact Club collect for Children in Need
Remembrance Day 2014
Represenatives of the 4 Southport Rotary Clubs pay their respects at the Remembrance Day Ceremony
Clatterbridge Ride of the Roses
Neil McBride, John Heddon, Geoff Bigg, Bill Thomas, Dave Landy and Phil Reilly with Sam Archibald from Clatterbridge
Snooker and International Cuisine Evening
Our annual Snooker Tournament followed by an Oriental Feast at Lings on King.
Marple Children Day at the Seaside
Rotary members give disadvantaged children from Marple a day to remember.
Bowls. Beer and Wine
A night of bowls, boule and good food and drink with our partners and guests
Service Above Self Awards night 2014
The 2014 Service above Self Awards night, at The Clifton, 6.00pm start.
Art Deco
Keith Hick gave a very detailed and interesting talk tonight on how the principles of the Art Deco movement have influenced our surroundings in the 20th/21st centuries.
Handover Meeting
Another Rotary year draws to a close, and our President, Bill Thomas, hands over his chain to incoming President Geoff Bigg.
Tarleton Beer Festival 2014
A Charity Beer Festival organised by The Rotary Club of Southport Links
Merseyside Police Roads Policing Unit.
Tonights speaker was PC Alistair Bowden from the Merseyside Accident Unit of Merseyside Police
Woodvale Rally
The Rotary Club of Southport Links ran the Woodvale Rally Beer Tent, with all proceeds going to our charity account.
Rachel Kruger and Samson
Merseyside Police Wildlife Officer, Rachael Krueger talked about her role.
Rotary Community Corp of Carriacou
Rotarian Dale Worthington visits Top Hill Care Home,Top Hill Care Home, Carriacou
Alexander House Day Out
Residents of Alexander House were treated to a day out by The Rotary Club of Southport Links
Up Close and Magic
A social event - all partners are invited to come and join us for a magical evening with Rick Tynan
Mad Dog 10K Run Wins National Award.
Southport Mad Dog 10k Run organised by Southport Hesketh Round Table
Visit to the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Museum
An out night visiting the Merseyide Fire and Rescue Heritage Centre in Bootle
The Rotary Club of Southport Links Charter Night
The 25th Annual Charter Celebrations for the Rotary Club of Southport Links was held this evening.
Silver Anniverary Gala Dinner
A Gala Dinner To celebrate 25 years since the formation of The Rotary Club of Southport Links
1997 The Rotary Club of Southport Links Ladies Night
1997 The Rotary Club of Southport Links Ladies Night
Wine Tasting
Our annual charity wine tasting and quiz to be held at Waterside Lodge, Marine Parade, Southport.
Children in Need Collection
Members of The Rotary Club of Southport Links collected at Tesco Kew for this years Children in Need appeal, ably assisted by members of the local Interact Clubs.
1989 The Rotary Club of Southport Links Inaugural Charter Night
The Rotary Club of Southport Links Inaugural Charter Night was held on April 19th 1989 at The Prince of Wales Hotel, Lord Street, Southport.
Sir Henry Seagrave's World Speed Record attempt at Southport 1926
Peter Cowley will talk on Sir Henry Seagrave's World Speed Record attempt at Southport 1926
A Celebration of Christmas
A Celebration of Christmas - at Leyland Rd Methodist Church, Southport - a perfect start to the festive season
Rotary Shoebox Scheme
Over 200 shoeboxes were filled by pupils of Churchtown Primary School.
Sefton Young Carers
Members of the RC of Southport Links meet up with Sefton Young Carers at their weekly meeting
Remembrance Sunday 2013
A wreath was laid by Club President Bill Thomas on Southport Cenotaph on behalf of the members of The Rotary Club of Southport Links
Murder Mystery Night - Venetian Vendetta
Venetian Vendetta - This years Murder Mystery Night
Walking Treasure Hunt
A walking treasure hunt around Southport Town Centre finished with a sociable meal in one of the towns finest restaurants.
Tai Chi with Bernie Coates
This meeting will start with an interactive demo of Tai Chi. Please come dressed in casual, loose fitting clothes and soft shoes such as trainers (plymsols for the older members). We shall be eating later than usual after the demo.
Sport and World Food Evening
A sophisticated evening of high quality sport followed by the best in Oriental Cuisine. 7.00pm start at Les Dodds Snooker Centre, Princes Street, followed by a Chinese meal at Lings on Kings.
Southport Flower Show Wheelchair Push
Despite a dull day Members of The Rotary Club of Southport Links took a number of wheelchair bound Southport residents to a morning at Southport Flowershow.
Service Above Self Awards night
The annual awards night for the junior schools in Southport who have entered the Service Above Self competition.
Visit to Lairdside Maritime Simulator
The Rotary Club of Southport Links visit Lairdside Maritime Simulator
President Elect, Bill Thomas Braves the terrors of Goodison Park.
President Elect of The Rotary Club of Southport Links, Bill Thomas on the Zip Wire at Goodison Park, Home of Everton FC.
Morecambe Bay Walk
A Sponsored Walk across Morecambe Bay - led by Queens Guide Cedric Robinson
Young Photographers Competition 2013
Judging took place on Feb 11th for the Young Photographer Competition at the Visiter Office. Run by the Southport Photographic Society in conjunction with the National Open and supported by Links through Youth Opportunities
Charter Anniversary Dinner
The Rotary Club of Southport Links 23rd Charter Dinner. Brian McEvoy, formerly of Radio Merseyside was our Guest Speaker at Charter. He was the last man to interview Dixie Dean. Dress Code - Formal
Rotary Technology Tournament 2013
This years Technology Tournament was held at Greenbank School on March 8th 2013
Fellowship Weekend
A weekend of fellowship, golf, walking and shopping in the beautiful Lake District at The Miller Howe Hotel
Greenbank Interact Club Handover Night
The Interact Club of Greenbank School, Birkdale, Southport, had their handover ceremony this month
Jeff and John's Touch Taste & Smell Quiz : Partners Welcome
The World Famous Jeff and John's Touch Taste & Smell Quiz- a fun night with partners and guests.
BBC Children in Need Collection
Members of The Rotary Club of Southport Links once again collected (in fancy dress) at Tesco Extra at Kew in Southport. Ably assisted by the members of the KGV and Greenbank Interact Clubs.
RFA Fort Rosalie and Cammell Laird
A guided visit to Cammell Laird Shipyard and RFA Fort Rosalie.
A Celebration of Christmas
The Rotary Club of Southport Links organise "A Celebration of Christmas". Fun and Music at Leyland Rd Methodist Church, Southport. A perfect start to the festive season. Click on the image for more information.
The Rotary Club of Southport Links Christmas Party
This years Christmas Party will be held in The Balmoral Suite in The Royal Clifton Hotel.
Murder on the Spanish Maine
This years Murder Mystery Night, presented by Barrie and Sue Swan has a Pirate theme - so don that eye patch, slip on your hook and join in the fun!Click on the image for more photos
Royal Beer Festival at Mere Brow Village Hall
The first annual Royal Beer Festival, held at Mere Brow Village Hall, April 29th 2011
1996 Visit of RIBI President to RC of Southport Links
RIBI President Keith Barnard-Jones visits The Rotary Club of Southport Links
The Southport Flower Show - Wheelchair Push - 2012
The Rotary Club of Southport Links take a group of residents from Alexander House and Ellerslie Court for their annual trip to Southport Flower Show.
May 23rd 2012 Children From Marple Day out in Southport
A group of children from Marple visit Southport for a day out by the seaside
Murder Mystery October 2010
Fun at Southport Links Rotary Club is reaching new, indescribable, side splitting heights. On 27th October 2010 a Murder Mystery was purposely scripted and directed by Vice President Barrie and his wife Sue.
4th July : Handover meeting
Handover Night at The Rotary Club of Southport Links. President Barrie Swan a hands over to incoming President John Doyle.
Technology Tournament 2012
The Rotary Club of Southport Links organise an annual Technology Tournament for the senior schools of Southport
The Royal Beer Festival 2012
A 3 Day beer festival, held at Mere Brow Village Hall, with over 30 beers and ciders, entertainment and food. All profits to Rotary Charities including The Heart of Southport Appeal
Ladies Night 2012
The Rotary Club of Southport Links Ladies Night this year was held at The Royal Clifton Hotel in Southport with a theme of A Cruise Around The Med. Members, partners and guests were entertained by vocalist David Marshall and a very able dance troupe.
Treasure Hunt - at the Hop Vine
This year, the treasure hunt commenced at Burscough Railway Station, and took us through Burscough, along the canal to Burscough Top Lock and then back into the village. The night was completed with a very good meal and drink at The Hopvine Pub.
Murder Mystery - Murder on the Ghost Train Oct 2011
Children in Need collection at Tesco Kew Nov 2011
"Children in Need " collection at Tesco store Kew
Collections will be made during the two days allocated.
Young Photographer Competition ~ 2009
Young Photographers Competition Winners 2008
IGFR ~ European Championships
Rotary Technology Tournment
Best Business Advisor in the North West
18th Charter Dinner ~ April 2007
New Members YTD
Caring for the Carers ~ November 2007
Wheelchair Push ~ Aug 2007
Croquet Evening ~ July 2007
IGFR 34th European Golf Championships
<b>The 34th European Golf Championships are to be held in September 2008 centred in Southport, Merseyside, England.</b>