About us

Welcome to the Bideford Rotary website. We're a volunteer service organisation based in North Devon. We're part of Rotary International, a global service organisation founded in 1905, aimed at fostering leadership, community, and ethical business practices whilst undertaking humanitarian work. Rotary clubs are made up of volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, locally and globally.

You might be wondering what a Rotary club does; here's a quick overview: 

Local Community Service

Bideford Rotary work on various local projects to improve our communities, including fundraising, cleaning up parks, or funding local educational initiatives.

Global Initiatives

Rotary has a significant international presence and focuses on global issues like eradicating polio, providing clean water, and improving maternal and child health.

Vocational Training and Scholarship

Rotary clubs often sponsor scholarships and vocational training programmes for young people. These programmes aim to develop professional skills and leadership abilities. Check out our latest news and updates to see what we've been up to lately.

Networking and Professional Development

We are comprised of business and professional leaders and offer extensive opportunities for socialising, networking and developing new skills.

Cultural Exchange

Through programmes like Rotary Youth Exchange or the Rotary Peace Fellowships, Rotary promotes cultural exchange and understanding.


To support these various initiatives, Rotary clubs often engage in fundraising activities, from local events to international campaigns.

Disaster Relief

When disasters strike, Rotary clubs often work to provide immediate relief and long-term support through both funding and hands-on service.

Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is our own charity, which funds much of our humanitarian work. Members and clubs contribute to the Foundation to make larger projects possible.

The motto "Service Above Self" encapsulates Rotary's mission, and clubs are non-political, non-religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

Interested in finding out more or joining Bideford Rotary? Get in touch here.

Our Social Media

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 12.30

(We meet at the Thatched Inn, Abbotsham but please check with the secretary to confirm the timings if you would like to visit.) The Thatched Inn, Abbotsham

EX39 5BA  01237471321
W3W:  //////crisis.silver.pigs

Web site about the locality

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values