Exmouth Rotary welcomes you. Discover more about us by scrolling down and/or clicking on the links above.

Featured pages

Rotary Youth Competitions

Rotary Youth Competitions

Take a look at the Rotary youth competitions that we are supporting this year. Click below for more information.

Classic Car Show - a great success

Classic Car Show - a great success

Our Classic Car & Motorbike show on 6 July was a great success.

Your online shopping can benefit Rotary

Your online shopping can benefit Rotary

If you register with "Easy Fundraising" then, whenever you do any online shopping, a small donation will come to our Rotary club, without costing you a penny extra.

Juniper Centre

Juniper Centre

We've reached the culmination of our support to the Juniper Centre at Marpool Primary School


About us

Exmouth Rotary has been formed in 2021 through the merger of The Rotary Clubs of Exmouth & District and  Exmouth Raleigh. We have retained the charter information of the Exmouth & District Club (the 'mother' club) which was formed way back in 1925. This means our proud centenary celebration will take place in December 2025.

Through this merger we now have a membership of around 18, both men and women, We meet every two weeks on a Monday evening for a light meal, for fellowship and to plan future activities. On other weeks we often take part in other activities, both charitable and social. We always have a full programme of charitable and social events that take place throughout the year. We support local, national and international charities with emphasis on those in the Exmouth & Budleigh Salterton area. We also support the global Rotary charity, called Rotary Foundation, which has been successful for many years with such initiatives as the "End Polio Now" programme. We are always ready to respond quickly to emergencies and natural disasters anywhere in the world. You will often see us on the streets of Exmouth doing our bit to improve the lives of people who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Whilst doing charitable work is both rewarding and commendable, fellowship and fun are also important aspects of Rotary, so we usually have a small dinner together on club evenings and hold a variety of social events for our members and their partners. In brief, our members have great fun while supporting a large range of charities and worthwhile causes.

Check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/exmouthrotary/

We will endeavour to keep this web site updated to provide news of upcoming events and other projects and to invite as many as possible to become involved.

If you have any questions for us then please use the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page or email us at exmouthrotary@outlook.com

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Our President for 2024/25

Our President for the Rotary year 2024/25 is Adrian Hewitt.

Adrian's priorities as President will focus on ensuring that all Members should feel included in everything the club does. He will take inspiration from the way our neighbouring clubs plan to organise their business and focus on attracting new members. Under Adrian's leadership we will arrange a Corporate Invitation Day, inviting all local businesses and public service providers to showcase the achievements of Rotary in Exmouth over the past 100 years. It is the hope that this could lead to 'recruiting' some of them into Corporate Membership.

In place of the traditional Club Council, Adrian has appointed dedicated team leaders that will focus on the projects that the club have agreed for the year. The Governance of the club will be overseen by the Executive committee who will report to all members as necessary.

During the coming year we will begin planning for Exmouth Rotary’s centenary which will occur in December 2025.

Adrian passionately believes that fellowship is at the heart of Rotary.

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Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Mondays at 5:45 pm for 6.30 pm

(Club fellowship meetings and business meetings are usually the second and fourth Monday of the month respectively at The Imperial Hotel. Other meetings and events are listed in the club programme.) The Imperial Hotel

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values