Welcome to Wallasey Rotary. Meetings now resuming at Leasowe Golf Club as below.

Featured pages

Concert for Ukraine

Concert for Ukraine

Wallasey Rotary raised over £3000 for Ukraine, donated to 'on the ground work' via the International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professional.

Club Meeting - Smile Train

Club Meeting - Smile Train

Since giving this talk in September 2022, President Annette has achieved her target of raising sufficient funds for six operations. (Posted 12th Jan 2023)

Support for Earthquake victims

Support for Earthquake victims

In response to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, within ten days, Wallasey Rotary sent £2400 to the above charity - from existing Club funds and from individual donations. The first boxes arriving in Turkey on 22nd February.

Coronation Afternoon Tea

Coronation Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea for those who may have watched the Coronation on their own. Held very much in conjunction with The Inner Wheel Club of Wallasey.

Partners' and Friends' Evening.

Partners' and Friends' Evening.

Dinner followed by entertainment by harpist, Angharad Huw who enchanted us all with her varied programme .

Community Tree Planting Event

Community Tree Planting Event

Pictured are some of the Club members who turned out in support of this Community Event at Central Park, Wallasey in February 2023. This followed our work last year in Bromborough and at Arrowe Park.


About us

New Brighton waterfront.

The Rotary Club of Wallasey was founded in 1928 - the first on the Wirral peninsula - and has given continuous service ever since to the community and beyond.

Nestling in the North East corner of the Wirral, Wallasey's history traces beyond the Doomsday Book (in which it is mentioned) to Viking times.  Rotarians visiting the club, however, are assured of a friendly and hospitable welcome from its 50 or so members who play an active part in the local area as well as the District.  The list of charities helped in the past (see Community Service Committee report at the side) will give a flavour of our work which also entails fun and enjoyment as a prime ingredient.

The Rotary Room - insideAs part of the Club's celebrations to mark its 80th Year, many thousands of pounds were raised to create a patient and relative counselling facility in the new Victoria Central Health Centre.  The gift will benefit patients, health centre staff and community health workers in the town.  It is a specially designed and equipped facility, providing a quiet place for confidential conversations between health professionals and those in their care.  The resource includes computer facilities and also provides, in the main atrium, a Self-Help Information Point.  As well as high tech facilities, the room has been comfortably furnished with thoughtful touches like local artwork depicting the surrounding area, to give a familiar, safe and relaxed atmosphere.

Medical Equipment for Gambia

Read the Newspaper article here about this joint project between ourselves and the Rotary Club of Royden Revolve.


Each year during October Wallasey Rotary Club distribute around Wirral, Rotary Shoeboxes as flat packs.  These are specially designed to enable people in this country to assemble and decorate as they wish, very much appreciated by school children, who can then fill them with suitable contents for which advice is given.

The two main reasons for these special packs are so that those wanting to fill shoeboxes don't have to hunt round for boxes when many others are doing the same but more importantly, all the boxes are of standard size and therefore they can be stacked more economically on pallets, saving on costs.

 The classifications for the Rotary boxes are: CHILDREN  toys:

TEENAGERS  various:

BABY  mixture:

HOUSEHOLD  special boxes filled with many things, including what you may use from under the sink, with maybe a warm scarf and gloves etc. for an older person.

Delivery of boxes are organised by Rotary in trailers of 12000 at a time with the round trip being up to ten days and 3000 miles, by dedicated people, including Rotarians. They will be delivered to poor families in different regions, to orphans, and sick children in hospitals, old people in care and without many chattels.

The HOUSEHOLD boxes will go to places such as "Hopes and Homes" and families who have been persuaded to take their children back into the family, with maybe some financial help: to Foster Homes, who with aid take a number of children in and live as a family who receive a mixture of boxes.

As well as Romania and the Ukraine, boxes are now going to Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Click HERE to read the blog of Adam Jones, returned from Uganda with the Rotary Jaipur Limb Project.  A very full and fascinating account of the time and expertise he has given to this brilliant project.

Click HERE to read the 'Blog' of our Youth Exchange Student, Daina Sidaras, who spent a year in  Quebec, Canada.

Club Privacy Policy

Click HERE to access the Club's Privacy Policy

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 18.30

Leasowe Golf Club
Leasowe Road,
CH46 3RD  0151 677 5852
W3W:  ///bids.dawn.each

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Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values