If you are interested in giving back something to the community at large please come and join us and take part in our community and other projects.

Featured pages

Presidents Handover

Presidents Handover

Past President Peter passes over the Club Jewel to President Robin after a search lasting 5 months!

Hospital Gardens

Hospital Gardens

Since 2003 members of the Rotary club have cared for the two Courtyard gardens in the Shooting Star Unit at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital. Recent replanting has helped to keep the gardens is top condition for the pleasure of the patients in the unit .

Award of RIBI Community Cup

Award of RIBI Community Cup

Our Club was awarded the RIBI National Community Cup for maintaining the gardens at the Cancer Care unit at Wrexham Maelor Hospital . The gardens offer patients an area of tranquil respite during their treatment at the unit .

Rhos Orpheus Choir Concert

Rhos Orpheus Choir Concert

A concert held in Rossett Church raised £1000.00 for Nightingale House Hospice

Collecting foils from medication

Collecting foils from medication

Superdrug are recycling the foils from all types of medication and the Club has been collecting for the last six months.

Charity shoeboxes

Charity shoeboxes

President Robin handing over some of 36 filled shoeboxes to Teams4U for distribution this Christmas


About us

Our Rotary Club will always welcome interest from potential new members of all ages willing to participate in a variety of worthwhile service projects and to enjoy the fellowship that Rotary offers. In particular we are very keen to increase our ladies membership. If you are interested speak to any Rotarian or contact the club using the  contact form on this website.

 One of our objectives is to support local charities by raising funds. during the first half of this year 2020 we have raised and distributed more than £6000. distribution has been £2000 to the Rotary Polio plus campaign; £1000 to dynamic; £500 toCPP-Emergency fund; £500 to Homestart Wrexham; £500 to Rotary Mercy ships; £500 to Wrexham food bank;  £250 to Wrexham Symphony Orchestra;  £250 to Wrexham carnival of Words; £250 to Hope House; £200 to Ramada staff gratuity; £200 bank to st Giles school;  £100 to Wrexham Food Bank; £100 to XLM Wr exham;   £50 to Wrexham First Responders.

 We are twinned with the Rotary Club of Granville, New york.

Watch a short slideshow of some of our projects here


                                                      Follow us on Twitter     @RotaryWxmErddig

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Happening soon...

Thu, Jan 23rd 2025 6:30 pm

Business Meeting & Century Club Draw

Business Meeting & Century Club Draw

Thu, Feb 13th 2025 3:59 pm

Speaker / fellowship meeting more information to follow

Speaker / fellowship meeting more information to follow

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 18.15

Ellice Way

LL13 7YH  01978 291400

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values