Be involved in your local Rotary Club and be kept informed of what's happening - ideal for anyone wanting to support what Rotary does from time to time but without regular commitment or any expense
DetailsNo speaker this month - just everybody talking (or singing?)
£30 for a 3 course Christmas Dinner and entertainment
(Full disclosure - you may be part of the entertainment)
Tuesday 10th December 2024
Scroll to the foot of this page to see our Facebook and Twitter feeds - both updated daily
DetailsFriend of Rotary, Jackie Thomson is tonight's speaker - she says
"Discover the magic in your mind! Explore with me how our thoughts shape our reality and yet it’s all in the mind’."
Tuesday, 7th January 2025
n August 1915 3 POW’s escaped from the camp in Abergele. Unable to secure their escape via a U-boat off the Great Orme, they surrendered after 3 days. Read what happened
DetailsWe've recently paid amounts from £150 to £300 to seven local community groups. Click the link to see who got lucky
If you didn't get lucky, there'll be another chance to apply in 2025
- Enjoy fun and fellowship with like minded people
- Help make your community a better and happier place
See to the right of this column for what's on - or click the "Meetings & Events" tab above to check out the full programme
If you'd like to be our welcome guest at any of these meetings or events, just get in touch for your invitation
Simply see for yourself what Rotary offers you
Rotary provides opportunities to connect with people from all walks of life, and to serve the community - both local and worldwide - using your talents, skills and experience. Rotarians have fun and together help others.
Rotarians enjoy activities that offer diversions from today's demanding professional and personal schedules. These can give back to the community through service or can simply be having a good time.
Llandudno Rotarians contribute in many ways to the local area as well as the town, helping it be the special place to live, work or retire.
Rotary helps personal development by continuing one's growth and understanding in human relations and by extending leadership skills. Rotary helps one learn how to motivate, influence and lead. And, as people committed to common values, Rotary means you can access and network with Clubs all over the UK and the wider world...where a warm welcome is always assured for you and your family.
For more information look around the site using the menus at the top of the page.
Mae Rotary yn cynnig cyfleoedd i gysylltu â phobl o bob cenfndir, ac i wasanaethu`r gumuned -yn lleol ac yn fyd-eang -trwy ddefnyddio eich doniau, eich sgiliau a`ch profiadau. Mae pobl Rotary yn cael hwyl gyda`i gilydd ac yn helpu eraill.
Mae pobl Rotary yn mwynhau gweithgareddau sy`n cynnig difyrrwch ac amrywiaeth oddiwrth bywydau prysur proffesiynnol a phersonol. Gall hyn olygu talu`n ôl i`r gymuned trwy wasanaeth neu, yn syml, trwy fwynhad.
Mae Rotarians Llandudno yn cyfrannu mewn llawer ffyrdd, i`r cylch yn ogystal â`r dref, gan helpu i wneud yr ardal yn le arbennig i fyw ynddi, i weithio neu i ymddeol iddi.
Mae Rotary`n helpu datblygiad unigolion drwy ddatblygu tyfiant a dealltwriaeth mewn perthynas rhwng pobl a thrwy ymestyn sgiliau arweinyddiaeth. Mae Rotary yn ein dysgu i ysgogi, i ddylanwadu ac i arwain. Hefyd, gan fod gwerthoedd tebyg gennym, mae Rotary`n golygu y gallwch gael mynediad i rwydwaith o glybiau ar hyd a lled y DU a thrwy`r byd eang lle mae croeso cynnes i chi a`ch teulu.
Everyone is welcomed in Rotary. Whether you live anywhere in the local area - not just Llandudno! - or have recently moved to the area, whether you work locally, are retired or are looking for a worthwhile social life, why not come along and see what Rotary is all about.
Mae pawb yn cael croeso yn Rotary. Os ydych yn byw yn yr ardal- nid yn unig yn nhref Llandudno- neu os ydych wedi symud i`r cylch yn ddiweddar, os ydych chi`n gweithio`n lleol, wedi ymddeol neu`n chwilio am fywyd cymdeithasol buddiol, dewch i`n gweld.
Sat, Dec 14th 2024 10:00 am
Each year we invite the visitors to, and residents of, Llandudno to make a contribution towards local charities
Tue, Jan 7th 2025 7:00 pm
Friend of Rotary, Jackie Thomson is tonight's speaker - she says
"Discover the magic in your mind! Explore with me how our thoughts shape our reality and yet it’s all in the mind’."
Tuesday, 7th January 2025
We meet on Tuesdays at
(No meeting following a Bank Holiday. ) 31 Hospital RoadBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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