Medway Centre to Host another Rotary Bakewell Quiz Night, Friday 21st March - 7pm for 7:30pm
The next Cafe will be at Bakewell Methodist Church 10am to 12:30pm
DetailsMedway Centre to Host another Rotary Bakewell Quiz Night, Friday 21st March - 7pm for 7:30pm
DetailsWe have several new members joining us and are always looking for more to join our ranks to help enhance our events, projects and fund raising activities.
DetailsFebruary 5th Mark Copley Bakewell Old House Museum
Many thanks to speaker Mark Copley for such an interesting update on activities at the museum, the expansion under his leadership this last 3 years and plans ahead up to the 70th birthday in 2029.
Good to see the expanding links and building of relationships with other groups in Bakewell - and the need for volunteer support to assist in the projects.
Bakewell Rotary Meeting Round-up
At our evening meeting on 29th January our own member Dr John Burn gave a detailed insight into the life and times of Lord Platt of Grindleford - Physician & Humanist (1900-1978) who had been an inspirational influence on his own medical career.
It covered his schooling at Grindleford College which his father founded, study at Sheffield, medical practice, war service and his 20-year period reinvigorating the medical school at Manchester – and latterly President of the Royal College of Physicians for 5 years which he moved from Pall Mall to the current location in Regents Park. He became a crossbench life peer in 1967 and spoke enthusiastically and effectively on NHS, voluntary euthanasia, pornography and health issues. He was also a gifted musician & music-lover. A nice GP gives you what you want, a good GP gives you what you need!
Rotary Bakewell Repair Café at the Methodist Church Hall
We had another great turn out of Rotary Club members and volunteers at the bi-monthly event Saturday morning 25th January. The customers arrived right on time and the repairers were kept busy with over 20 items brought in. Sadly, we were unable to fix a few things - we were beaten by a trouser press, 2 kettles and a set of Christmas lights but we were able to get some great successes with 7 working electrical items heading home, coat zips repaired, cardigans magically wearable without holes and a dress made useable again.
A lovely Tiffany style lampshade was sent home glued and looking good.
We were joined by Dave Locke from Bakewell Climate Action who was pleased to have some interesting conversations with the Cafe users and hand out fliers about green actions and events.
We raised some £130 from donations, and it was brilliant to see so many there on the day pitching in and joining in and contributing to such a great convivial community atmosphere.
The next café is same place same time on Saturday 29th March.
If you fancy helping to do the mending then get in touch with our Co-ordinator, Margie Stuckey on 01629 813638 and we would be more than happy to welcome you.
Raising money - Christmas Collections
Bakewell Rotary will be carrying out collections (cash or card) for our charitable work, including local community projects ( such as school music resources, swimming club, Old House Museum, Warm Spaces) in Aldi on December 13, 17, 20 and 23.Thank you to the generous customers and to Aldi management.
Rotary Bakewell Meeting Update
At our SGM (Special General Meeting) on 4th December we elected club officers for 2025/26 with John Hopkins as President and 2026/27 with Tom Marshall taking up the role. David Goodlad and Peter Huxtable remain as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.
The examined accounts for 2023/24 (year ending June) were approved. During the year the club charity account raised some £10,000 and disbursed monies to many local schools and organisations as well as Air Ambulance, Ashgate Hospice, Rob Burrows MND appeal, EMICS and CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).
We were joined at the meeting and for lunch by EMICS who were Ann Esders’ nominated charity last year – and for who we have raised nearly £3000
Emergency medics receiving cheque from Rotary Bakewell to support their vital work.
Bakewell Mayor presents cheque to Repair Café & Medway Centre
At Rotary Bakewell Repair Café on Saturday 30th November Bakewell Mayor Helen Garvey came along to see the activity and to present a special award to be shared between the Medway Centre and the Repair Café.
Another successful and convivial repair café with a very positive buzz - a steady stream of customers and nearly 30 items attended to, most fixable – but no bikes this time!
The next café will be at the Methodist Church, Bakewell on Saturday 25tht January 2025.
27th November - Peter Slater BBC Radio Sports Reporter
Peter was our guest speaker and entertained us very well and most informatively with his A-Z anecdotes around the sports personalities he's met over the last 45 years - and some honeymoon memories of the Rutland Hotel as well.
Bakewell Swimming Club receives £250 grant from Rotary Bakewell
Bakewell Swimming Club would like to thank Bakewell Rotary Club for their very generous support. Bakewell Swimming club operates an ‘inclusive mantra’ by keeping fees as low as possible, so swimming is accessible for children from all incomes.
Bakewell Rotary Club has, with their generous donation, enabled our club to train (local) people to help operate our club without the need to pass on costs.
Our young swimmers (and their parents) have been introduced to the world of Rotary and what Rotary can do for their local communities.
Sandra Deal (top left) along with swimming club members receiving the cheque from Rotary Bakewell’s John Hopkins & Susan Taylor.
"Grease, Gaskets and Gears"
This was the title of an amazing and prize-winning audio-visual presentation from Keith Brown FRPS at the Rotary Bakewell evening meeting on 30th October. We were also treated to the Stoney Middleton Lennon’s family Boot factory history and montages from, Switzerland and England.
Rotary Duck Race
15th September Rotary Bakewell's annual duck race was held on a rather wet Sunday afternoon. Around a thousand ducks raced from the road bridge, over the weir, under the Love Lock Bridge (on the last day before the bridge is closed to remove the locks) down to the finishing line at the iron bridge.
Nearly £1000 was raised, proceeds going to the Air Ambulance and Rotary local charities.
Rotary Repair Cafe 27th July
A great success with 25 items being brought in for repair of which 16 were fixed on the spot. Advice on spares needed was also given. We saved several lamps, a handbag, hairdryer, hedge cutter, cassette player, a sewing maching and a favourite toy. Knives were sharpened and sewing repairs done. Repair is better than recycle. We will be back on the 28th September from 10am at the Methodist Church.
Club meeting Round Up
Times Journalist Ann Treneman joined us for our evening meeting on 31 st July and talked about her time as the paper’s parliamentary sketch-writer in the Blair, Brown and coalition times – and for many years as their chief theatre critic. Both involved long hours but there were many similarities in the roles – drama and theatre!! She continues with a weekly column which regularly features Bakewell and Derbyshire.
A very enjoyable evening and after dinner conversations.
At our evening meeting on 26 th June we were joined by Romance Waddington who shared her life story from Lusaka, Zambia to Bakewell via Kilimanjaro – and bringing up her 4 children in Derbyshire. The club supported her Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge on 13 th July for her husband Mark’s charity Hope and Homes for Children. She raised £1,274 and the club also donated a further £500 to the charity – Mark was a Bakewell Rotary scholar and is an honorary member of the club.
Ann Treneman
Ann Esders and Romance Waddington
Rotary Brass in the Park Returns again to Bakewell
This ever-popular event was held on Wednesday evening 3rd July during the annual Bakewell Carnival week. Whilst the weather was cooler than expected in early July any lingering rain cleared ahead of the start of proceedings – and was very well attended by the local town, surrounding villages and visitors.
The Bakewell Community choir conducted by Lester Simpson were singing whilst people were gathering ahead of the official opening by Rotary President John Craike – and then continued for a set piece ahead of contributions from the bands.
Youlgrave conducted by Harry Houghton started, then Tideswell with conductor Simon Lewis, Cressbrook with Helen Thurby - and then Bakewell again with Helen as Sarah Fellowes was unable to be with us. There was a grand finale with massed brass from all 4 bands – again with Helen wielding the baton.
Music varied from pop to classic and a lot to clap, sing and dance along to – and with Abba’s Waterloo (50 years old now!), Radetsky March and the Floral Dance to complete the evening.
The event was raising funds for the wonderful work of local charity EMICS (East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme) which provides additional specialist medical support to paramedics for serious road traffic accidents – and who work closely with Air Ambulance. Volunteer medics Dan Crook and Jean Cragg were there along with the support hospital car to show and explain their work to those at the concert.
A souvenir programme is available on request. Rotary are most grateful for all our sponsors – Longbow Venues, Franklin & Co, Medway Centre and Heirs & Graces – and to all the musicians – and the Bakewell carnival committee.
Our next fundraiser is the annual Duck race on Sunday 8th September.
East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme vehicle with volunteer medics Dan Crook and Jean Cragg, and Rotary Bakewell members.
Massed Band Finale
Bakewell Community Choir
Quilt Raffle raises over £1,400 for EMICS
The lucky winner of this beautiful double-bed quilt cover was Ian Davison from Derby.
The draw was held on 31st May – and Ian and his wife Marie joined our club meeting lunch on 19th June.
The raffle raised over £1,400 for the wonderful work of local charity EMICS (East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme) which provides additional specialist medical support to paramedics for serious road traffic accidents – and who work closely with Air Ambulance.
President Ann Esders presents quilt to Ian Davison
Lady Manners’ School take to the Water
15 youngsters from Lady Manners school were treated to a half day sailing experience on Carsington Water. This was part of the Rotary Kids Out initiative sponsored by Bakewell Rotary Club. The volunteers from Sailability ensured that all the youngsters experienced both power boats and sailing boats.
The weather was fine, no rain but a pleasant breeze!! A very enjoyable event with the pupils accompanied by members of staff – and several Rotarians there to watch!
Youngsters gather for the sailing events at Carsington Water
Rotary Club of Bakewell held its quiz night at the Medway Centre on the 3rd of May. John Kelcey provided the questions and 14 teams took part. Around £900 was raised to support the small grants funds and the Bakewell repair cafe. Thanks to our sponsors Thornbridge and Aldi.
Lady Manners’ School receive Club Community Awards
Bakewell Rotary president Ann Esders accompanied by Rotarian John Hopkins presented a cheque to Mr Peat, Headteacher, and Mr Bagshawe, head of technology, at Lady Manners School to provide £250 from the clubs’ small grants scheme for each of two of their projects.
The first project ran by Mr Bagshawe’s team provides for food preparation equipment to be used by community groups using the school facilities in the evening. The second project has supported the provision of bird boxes for swifts in trees surrounding an area of unused wasteland in the grounds of Lady Manners School. This would encourage bird species to inhabit the area.
This is the second batch of community grants the club has made in the last 6 months – and there are three other worthy recipients still to receive their cheques.
27th March
A splendid evening and Allen managed to engage us in some out of the box brain puzzlers - and in tackling the great red to black pegs board game and raised £40 for our local charities as we purchased for our families!
22nd March Senior Citizens Easter Party. Around 70 people attended an afternoon tea party hosted by Rotary Bakewell. Splendid food prepared by Margaret, Christine and Ruth. The Tom Pilkington combo provided music and entertainment. And all guests received an Easter Egg. Many thanks for the kind donations of provisions from Aldi and Bloomers.
20th March 2024 Gary Peat, the head teacher at Lady Manners School, joined us for our meeting with a very informative presentation on both his background and the history and current activities at Lady Manners’. There was useful discussion on mutual ways we can assist activities and further closer relationships.
Rotary Bakewell are currently involved in raising funds for the East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme (EMICS). This amazing volunteer organisation is a network of volunteer doctors with specialist training in pre-hospital emergency medicine who assist East
Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) at the scene of life-threatening emergencies.
To raise funds, we are raffling a beautiful handmade quilt measuring 180cm x189cm. Tickets are £2 each or £10 for six. The draw is on 31st May, so plenty of time to buy some tickets to support this wonderful organisation and have a chance of winning this
one-of-a-kind quilt.
To buy your tickets, contact President Ann Esders on 07967 665580, any other club members, Heirs & Graces, Darley Dale or the Medway Centre, Bakewell.
7th February - Climate Clever
Rotary Bakewell had a talk by Mike Gray on the Climate Clever initiative which aims to involve schools, businesses and Rotary Clubs in our district in initiatives to help tackle climate change issues. President Ann Esders signed the club up to a commitment to act.
31st January - Evening meeting - Talk about the Galapagos Islands
Kathy Hopkins gave us a fascinating and informative talk about their visit to the Galápagos Islands and a week-long stay there with the base for meals and overnight on small 11-berth ship and with daily outings to all the islands and their inhabitants - and swimming and snorkelling with sea lions!
22nd January - Cheque for Ashgate Hospice
Jane Meredith, President Ann, John Hopkins and Peter Huxtable visited the hospice last Monday (22nd) to present a cheque for £500 from the club, our most recent donation to their wonderful work. They are pictured with Ashgate's Community Relationship Fundraiser, Adele Taylor (2nd from right) who spoke to the club at one of our evening meetings last year.
2024 - Lundy Island
Our first talk of the year was about history, intrigue, smuggling and wildlife on Lundy Island. This tiny island had its own currency at one time and still issues its own stamps.
Talk given by Evelyn- Rita
Rotary Bakewell Christmas activities
The club raised some £1,050 from its fund-raising activity during December from street collections at the Coop store, with thanks to the support from the store management, and also at the Aldi store, thanks to support once again from manager Richard Goddard.
The annual carol service in conjunction with the Mayor and Council was held at the methodist church on 21st December and the service was conducted by Rev Fran Johnson – and was addressed by Dr Dan Crook from EMICS (East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme) and the collection was in aid of the charity.
From left Mayor Alyson Hill, Dan Crook, Ann Esders, Evelyn-Rita Hickin
The service was followed by a very convivial lunch at the Rutland Arms attended by about 30 guests.
Rotary Bakewell Christmas Collections
Santa was out at the Coop store in Bakewell on two Saturdays in December as part of the Rotary club commitment to the community and its youngsters.
We also have collections at Aldi on four mornings before Christmas (13,14, 18 & 19 Dec) – with support once again from the Aldi store manager Richard Goddard and his staff - and with some of the collection going towards President Ann’s charity for the year East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme (EMICS).
Aldi store collection, from left Evelyn-Rita Hickin, store manager Richard Goddard, and Mary Ingham
Rotary Bakewell helps Rowsley Primary School play the bells
As part of its small grants’ initiative, the club has funded Rowsley primary school to purchase a class set of glockenspiels. President Ann Esders accompanied by Rotarian Chris Harrison present a cheque to Claire Harrison chair of the PTFA whilst listening to class 1 perform an enthusiastic rendition of jingle bells on the glockenspiels.
A welcome to returning member Nellie Harvey
Club members were pleased to welcome Nellie to the club at their evening meeting. She is pictured (right) with President Ann Esders.
Rotary Bakewell support for Baslow School project
As part of its first Community Grants scheme the Club is delighted to support St Annes Primary school Baslow in its plant growing project. Staff and pupils have planted a wide variety of bulbs and corms in pots and grassy banks around the school.
A presentation was made at the school on Wednesday 22nd November.
Rotary President Ann Esders presents a cheque for £250 to Headteacher Marie Clark, School Business Manager Vicki Jacob and teaching assistant Vicki Graus along with year 5 pupils Maisie, Nina, Harriet, Barnaby and Hayden.
A packed room at the Rutland Arms were given a very entertaining and informative talk by Dr Clive Waddington who is the Managing Director of Bakewell based Archaeological Research Services. They have recently been awarded the King's Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category. He described how they use remote sensing techniques to carry out non-intrusive archeological surveys. He also described how archaeology has been used in Bakewell to explore evidence behind local legends of Prince Arthur, Henry VIII's older brother.
We had our second successful café at Bakewell Methodist church on
Saturday 28th October.
We are planning the next Repair Café on Saturday 25th November so if
you have some repair skills and would like to join us, please contact the
Café Co-ordinator, Margie Stuckey, on 01629 813638. Feel free to bring items in need of repair between 10am and noon, we will do our best to fix them and save them from being sent to landfill.
East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme
25th October Dr Daniel Crook spoke at our evening meeting at the Rutland about the East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme (EMICS). Dan is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Chesterfield Royal Hospital but also provides voluntary support to EMICS. This involves him in turning out to assist and work alongside the Ambulance Service when required at the most serious of incidents and medical emergencies. Getting an experienced emergency medicine doctor to the scene can save lives, especially in rural areas where it can take significant time to get someone to hospital. EMICS is a charity and their doctors are all unpaid volunteers.
EMICS is President Ann Esders' chosen charity for the year. She is shown below with Dr Dan Crook.
At our lunchtime meeting on the 18th October we welcomed Ian Ward from the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) which was last year’s President David Goodlad’s nominated charity and we had recently donated a further £1,000 to them. Ian spoke of the personal involvement of his wife Elaine and his following the sudden collapse and unexpected death of their son Neil in 1992 and the impact it has had on their family. Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy under 35’s die from undiagnosed heart conditions – several have been in the Hope Valley. The NHS does not provide any regular monitoring – and in addition to the research funding of CRY, Ian and Elaine raise funds to provide a series of screenings for applicants in Derbyshire (for around 100 each time). Increased costs of the medics and equipment have now limited this to two a year – and the next is scheduled in Dronfield in July 2024.
Bakewell Rotary Quiz Night
Rotary Bakewell's famous quiz night returned to the Medway Centre in Bakewell on Friday
6th October There were 12 teams for a very good evening of fun regular quizmaster John Kelcey assisted by Sue – along with a bar, excellent buffet, and raffle. The winning team were the Friday Club and the evening raised £500 for local charities and our Repair Café.
Bakewell Rotary Repair Cafe
On Saturday 23rd September the Rotary Club of Bakewell were very pleased to welcome Bakewell Mayor, Alyson Hill, to open the inaugural Repair Café at the Bakewell Methodist Church.
The event was a great success with over 17 items brought in and success in repairing most of these items. It was great to be able to save some items which would otherwise have been sent to landfill and to welcome everyone who came along just to see what was happening.
Local Rotarians were out in force to support the event and we were grateful for donations from the local Aldi, the Better Derbyshire Dales Fund and for the funds given by those who had repairs undertaken.
We are planning the next Repair Café on Saturday 28th October so if you have some skills and would like to join us, please contact the Café Co-ordinator, Margie Stuckey, on 01629 813638.
Or if you have something to be repaired, please come along and we will endeavour to help you with it.
Our speaker on 27th September was Dr Roger Summers, former Director of Police Forensic Services, a senior lecturer in forensic and crime sciences, a member of Amber Valley Rotary and a past District Governor. A most convivial meeting and Roger gave us a very detailed, informative and fascinating presentation with insight into crime detection and the use of DNA and the use of dental, facial and body unique features.
Dr Roger Summers with Club President Ann Esders
Bakewell Rotary Annual Duck Race - 10th September
At 2pm the Bakewell ducks leaped into the River Wye from the 14th Century stone arch bridge. They were helped on their way by members of the Bakewell Carnival committee.
The banks of the river were lined by enthusiastic visitors, many of whom had bought tickets to support our local charities. Over £1500 was raised, a great result!
The race finished at the Iron Bridge having navigated the weir and passed under the Lock Bridge.
The ticket for the winning duck (286) was bought by Allissa Wibberley, pictured below with her family receiving the first prize of £100 from our President Ann.
Bakewell Rotary Speaker Round-up
Members and guests have had some interesting speakers at our recent gatherings. Adele Taylor gave a detailed and very personal presentation on the work of Ashgate Hospice and the support for her late husband and her family during his terminal illness. She was introduced by member Jane Meredith who is also a trustee of the hospice.
Aldi store manager Richard Goddard gave us a detailed description and insight of the company and his daily routine, and some anecdotes gathered since he opened the doors in Bakewell March 2019 with GB Olympic gold medallist Frances Houghton cutting the ribbon.
Bakewell Rotary Repair Cafe
Ahead of the opening of the Rotary Bakewell Repair Cafe at the Methodist Church Saturday 23rd September (10am to 2pm) Sheelagh Handy from the Tideswell Repair Cafe was our guest speaker at our lunchtime meeting at the Rutland Arms, Bakewell on 2nd August. She gave very helpful advice and assistance to assist in the final preparations for starting our own regular cafe – with further dates of 28th October and 25th November already booked.
Three of our members Allen Bower, Mike Gray and Jane Meredith are already involved at Tideswell – and Margie Stuckey from the Medway Centre is coordinating the cafe for Bakewell Rotary.
Sheelagh Handy from Tideswell and District Environment Group's Repair Cafe
New Paul Harris Fellowship for long and proactive service was presented to Tom Marshall
Rotary Bakewell New Members on Parade
At our club meeting on the 26th July our latest new member Mayne Fakharuzi was formally inducted by President Ann Esders. Mayne, our youngest member, originally from Malaysia is studying for her PhD in brain medical research at Sheffield.
Later in the evening another of our new members Jane Meredith gave a fascinating insight into her career in medical research in Canada on breast cancer drugs, and latterly with Pfizer in the UK on lung cancer drugs. Having turned down an opportunity in 2012 to take up a similar role in Wuhan she became a guide for the trans Orient Express and is now settled in the Peak District. She is an active fundraiser for Ashgate Hospice. She is pictured (centre) with President Ann and Secretary Peter Huxtable.
Wed, Feb 19th 2025 12:30 pm
Business meeting plus talk by Ian Ord on Rotary's Foundation Charity
detailsWed, Feb 26th 2025 6:00 pm
David Rawson will talk about "Mercy Ships"
detailsWe meet on Wednesdays at 12:30
(We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at the Rutland Arms Bakewell - and normally a social meeting on the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm. If you wish to attend please contact: John Hopkins by Midday Sunday (M)07920 746173) Rutland Arms Function SuiteBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.