About us





Rotary has been working hard for many years to eradicate Polio and is now very close to success


Rotary International is a worldwide organisation of men and women who volunteer their time and talents to serve communities at home and abroad. Rotary is inclusive of all cultures, races and creeds. It is non-religious and non-political, and there are no age or gender restrictions

Rotarians provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in every vocation, and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. 

Rotary Club of Norwich St. Edmund

A Message from our President Caroline Evans

“Create Hope in the World”

Prior to the start of each Rotary year, a new theme is set and this year the theme is ‘Create Hope in the World’.  How to ‘Create Hope in the World’ is an opportunity to consider some of the current issues which are causing distress or difficulties for people.  As a nation we are in a post pandemic world, emerging from the Covid era where issues are evolving which were probably there previously, however, they are more prominent today.  Mental Health being one such issue.  A major stumbling block to prosperity in this country and beyond, mental health affects 1 in 4 people at some point in their lives and frequently adds to the issues of loneliness and isolation.   Therefore, we as a Club, are considering how we can raise the profile of this issue by educating ourselves by hearing from specialists and responding to projects which help to ease the distress caused through this problem. 

About our Club

As one of 33,000 Clubs in over 200 countries, our Club, formed in 1986, uses the knowledge and goodwill of its members to improve the education, health and opportunities within communities, both locally and internationally. 

We achieve this by supporting small local charities, or by direct engagement, often with another Rotary Club either in the UK or Overseas. We also work closely with our sister Clubs in Mainz (Germany) and Reims (France).  Although Globally affiliated as a Rotary Charity, each Club operates as an individual Club where members agree their objectives. Our Club enjoys weekly evening friendship meetings conducting business at the Maids Head Hotel or online. 

Rotary Year Overview


Below is an overview of events which may take place during the Rotary year.  It is not set in stone, but more to give an idea of events which may take place either as a one off or on a more regular basis.


Crucial Crew – schools activity highlighting the need for safety in and out of the home

Kids Out – activity for disadvantaged children

Garden fund raisers– Rotarians hosting activities in their garden to raise money for worthy causes

Christmas Tree Festival – celebration highlighting charities and organisations through a display of Christmas trees

Young Artist Competition – a national competition offering creative opportunities for young people

Frugal Meals – Members of Rotary host meals in their homes raising money for good causes

Tripling Event – a weekend activity whereby Norwich St. Edmund Rotary Club joins together with clubs from Germany and France.

Quiz – a fund raising opportunity

Bridge event – a fund raising opportunity

Young Carers – an activity for young carers to get together

Antiques Valuation Day – working with a local auction house to give people the opportunity to have valuables assessed and raise money for charities

Bucket Collections – street and supermarket collections take place from time to time where people are able to donate to good causes

Music Concerts – concerts involving local schools and/or local music groups join together to perform, entertain and raise money

Awards – to recognise the achievements of people in our community, a certificate plus framed photograph is presented on behalf of the Club to nominated individuals, as a way of saying thanks.


Community and Vocational

Community and Vocational activities seek opportunities whereby Rotarians are actively involved, fostering good relations, and developing networking opportunities. We assist the vulnerable, socially marginalised and those with medical needs, in order to enhance the quality of people's lives, across all ages. 

We also assist with educational activities with school age pupils, such as hearing readers, help with literacy skills and the gifting of dictionaries. The organising of an outing for physically disabled pupils in connection with Kids Days Out fosters confidence building. Fun activities in conjunction with Norfolk Young Carers provides freedom from caring responsibilities, and aiding safety awareness for Year 6 pupils is achieved through Crucial Crew days. 

In the past year, we have supported Time Norfolk, participated in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Peter Mancroft Church, worked with The Salvation Army to provide Christmas hampers, toys, and vouchers for local families, and supported the visitor’s centre at HMP Norwich Prison

Each year we facilitate the opportunity for attendance at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award scheme and put a spotlight on local people who show Service above Self through the President’s Certificate of Recognition. 

We have a great deal of fun and fellowship through quiz nights, frugal suppers, by donating to foodbanks. We try to make a difference, if you would like to join us, or sample Rotary for yourself, please contact Paul Robinson.  

Christmas Tree Festival

In collaboration with St. Peter Mancroft Church each year we stage a Christmas Tree Festival which supports local charities. 

Various businesses and professionals sponsor the trees and help us raise funds for charitable purposes.


The  Club is deeply committed to supporting international humanitarian aid and development.

International Service Committee Projects in 2022-2023

a)      Rotarians supporting Ukraine

In addition to the capital sums transferred to the Salvation Army for their work in the Ukraine of over £2,000, the various members of our Club have been supporting Ukraine in other ways, such as:-

1.       Helping to organize and fund the Ukrainian Art Exhibition which took place during the week commencing 17th October 2022.

2.       Funding the mobile toilet at the Carrow Works redistribution centre, since early September 2022. We have currently paid up to the 6th February 2023. We will soon be receiving an invoice for the next 8 week period (the minimum rental period) which will be £340. He hope to get the support of local bunisesses to help the club maintain the mobile toilet facility for the rest of 2023.

3.       Collecting and transporting a whole range of goods, cycles and equipment needed by Ukrainians abroad and Ukrainian refugees in Norfolk, to the central distribution centre.

4.       Delivering reusable sanitary pads for use by refugees in Norfolk

5.       Providing job opportunities or individual items for Ukrainian refugees.

6.       Targeting specific items eg candles, fire lighters, torches, batteries, warm clothing and bedding etc for transportation by articulated lorry because of Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine’s power generating capacity. These are urgently required to be included in the  next lorry which is due to depart from Swaffham before the end of November.

7.       Collecting funds to support the work of Scott Stones the Swaffham driver who has been distributing much needed goods, equipment, clothes and medical supplies to war torn Ukraine on a regular basis.

8.       Supporting a 15 year old Ukrainian girl as a competitor in an RIBI organized Young Artist competition.

b)      Kusiyana Concert 

In November 2022 a committee member masterminded a concert of choirs at the Norwich Salvation Army Citadel. The intention of the concert, named “Kusiyana” was to raise funds to  to support the education of young women and girls in Zimbabwe and to tackle period poverty. Participating in the concert were 4 adult choirs and 5 High school choirs in Norwich. The total amount raised by Kusiyana was just over £1,500. £1,000 will be used to sponsor the education of a young girl at a school in Zimbabwe (see details below) and £500 will be used to buy reusable sanitary wear and wash kits to send to Eastern Europe using the Rotary Shoebox scheme. 

 NB  Period poverty is a huge problem for  millions of women the world over. It is the lack of access to sanitary products due to financial constraints which can be caused by a wide range of life events, that negatively impacts on a girl’s or woman’s ability to access sanitary products to manage a most intimate and regular occasion in her life. Period poverty means that young women are unable to leave their home for up to 10 days every month. The impact of this on their education, job prospects and life chances as adults is devastating. The lack of sanitation in schools in developing and poorer countries can also cause young women to drop out of education completely as they have no access to facilities to keep themselves clean during their period. Rotary’s Shoebox Scheme (see below) will hopefully provide relief for some women and girls in Eastern Europe.

The picture above is of girls in Zimbabwe receiving their reusable sanitary pads from the club.

c)       Use of the Rotary Shoeboxe Scheme 

The Club has purchased and received 50 shoeboxes from Rotary Shoebox. It is intended that 25 of the boxes will be used to encourage schools to fill the boxes for poor and vulnerable children and adults in some of the countries in Eastern Europe. The rest will be filled with a)   25 packs of reusable sanitary wear purchased by a member from Kiki Green at a cost of £425 and b) with the wash kits which have been purchased by the same member. These include items such as wash cloths, toothbrushes and packs of soap. The money raised for all the above purchases (cost £556) was raised at the Kusiyana Concert last November (see above).

d)      Education sponsorship of a student in Zimbabwe

£1,000 was paid by the Club to the Mudeka Foundation last December. The money was raised at the Kusiyana Concert last November. The donation will provide a full education for an 11 year old orphan girl called Grace, who is in Grade 6 at Warren Park Primary School in Harare. An information sheet has been provided for our club members. This will be followed by school reports, information updates and letters in due course.    

e)      Completion of a new Safe House in Kolkata 

Over the last several years, the Norwich St Edmund Rotary Club has supported an anti-slavery organization based in Mumbai, India called “YouCanFreeUs”. The organization rescues and provides shelter and rehabilitation of women and girls who have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation in different parts of India. Some 40 or so survivors are housed in 3 Safe Houses and rehabilitation is provided through a Training Centre in Mumbai. The girls are conveyed from their Safe Houses, to the Training Centre by a 32 seater coach which was funded mainly  by Norwich St Edmund Rotary Club.

 In 2020, YouCanFreeUs, decided to set up a new Safe House in Kolkata. The club was asked to help with the funding of the set up costs of the new Safe House. After several successful presentations by a member of the club, a substantial sum of money was forwarded to the anti-slavery organization and the new home was opened in 2022. 

f)        Lend with Care

This is one of the most worthwhile of our international projects. Lend with Care is a microfinance lending initiative under the umbrella of CARE International UK. Launched in September 2010, it allows individuals and groups to make small loans to entrepreneur in developing countries to help them work their way out of poverty. For some years now members of the club have been part of this initiative, which is coordinated by a member of the International Service Committee. This member reports monthly on the activity of the project. Last year, the club’s operator provided a useful record of our club’s total Lend with Care activities over the years - total loans made 383; value of loans £5,745; entrepreneurs helped 1,928;  family members helped 5,531; people helped 10,234; jobs created 1,775.  

                                                                                                         Mark Little                                                                                                         Chair, International Service Committee                                                                                                         14 January 2023

Modern Slavery

We are very proud to continue our support of the "Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery" founded by our Club member Mark Little.


Find out more...........................

Our membership is open to Individuals, and organisations who can join us as Corporate members.

If your organisation wishes to work closely with us and get involved in the community, this is the perfect opportunity to become a Corporate Member. 

Whether you join us as Individual or Corporate members you will participate in:

                        Providing clean water       

                        Supporting mothers and children 

                        Supporting educational opportunities   

                       Growing local economies

                        Promoting Peace   

                  Fighting Disease


Where others see problems we see solutions, and through our collective effort we contribute to overcoming difficulties.

If you would like more details please contact us by using the following e-mail address;


Thank You


Our Social Media


Happening soon...

Sat, Oct 26th 2024 7:00 pm

Call me Quaff

Chantry Hall Tables of 6 - 8

Tue, Nov 5th 2024 7:00 pm

Dinner at the Maids Head at 7pm

followed by a talk on Rotary by Robert Morris

Tue, Nov 12th 2024 7:00 pm

Club committees

as determined by the chairs of committees

Mon, Nov 18th 2024 7:00 pm

Club Council meeting


Tue, Nov 19th 2024 9:00 pm

Dinner at the Maids Head at 7pm

followed by the Special General Meeting and club Business meeting

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 19:00

(Physical meetings are at ) Tombland

NR3 1LB  01603 209955

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values