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Newark Castle supporting the 4As Kayaking Club

Newark Castle Rotary Club recently linked up with the 4As Kayaking Club who are based in Newark in order to provide funding allowing them to purchase a new specialised treadmill to facilitate their winter training programmes. Our members were invited along to a 4As training session on Saturday 30th November to see the treadmill in action. For the full story click here

Pictured above members of Newark Castle Rotary and 4As Kayaking Clubs

Pictured above (from L to R) Rotarians Mac Mallard, Gill Lee, President Jayne Mason & Andy Fereday

Rotary Club of Newark Castle SGM - Tuesday 26th November 2024

Tuesday 26th November saw the Club hosting our annual SGM where the selection of Officers for the Rotary year 2025/26 was undertaken. However, prior to this we had the pleasure of inducting our three newest members to the Club; Ken Strettle, Viv Strettle and Keith Williamson.  Pictured below is Club Secretary, Celia Smallwood, introducing our three new members to Rotary followed by Club President, Jayne Mason, officially welcoming them to the Club.

Pictured above (from L to R) Ken and Viv Strettle, President Jayne Mason and Keith Williamson 

Castle Rotary Club forging links with Newark Town Titans

Newark Town under-8s Titans football team were sporting brand new kit tops thanks to a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Newark Castle.

Rotary club member Mac Mallard and incoming president Jayne Mason presented a cheque for £300 to Newark Town vice chairman Sarah Robinson. For the full story click here.


About Us

All our Club meetings are held "face to face" at the Cedric Ford Pavilion Suite at the Newark Showground - please see side panel for venue details and dates of future meetings or click on the following link -  Future Meetings.

Newark Castle is part of Rotary International a service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together like minded people in order to provide humanitarian services. 

We get involved in local Community and International projects and are always looking for new members who are prepared to give service to others less fortunate than ourselves and who want to give something back to society. The Community is at the heart of the club's service and our projects help to improve the lives of people in the local area.

We are a non-political and non-religious organization open to all. If you are interested in joining Rotary or would simply like some further information please contact us either via our Contacts Page and select "Membership" from the drop down box or by selecting the following link for Membership.

Additionally if you would like to know more about us click on the "What We Do" tab at the top of the page and select an item from the drop down menu or why not scroll down to view our Facebook feature, alternatively click on the following link to visit our Facebook page.


The Rotary Magazine

Rotary magazine covers a wide range of fascinating features, exclusive interviews and inspiring human interest stories from across the world of Rotary.

Read the stories 

Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Tue, Feb 11th 2025 7:00 pm

Club Meeting

General Club Meeting to discuss items as per agenda

Tue, Feb 18th 2025 7:00 pm

Charity Quiz night 7:00pm for 7:30 start

Charity Quiz night 7:00pm for 7:30 start

Tue, Feb 25th 2025 7:00 pm

Club Meeting

General Club meeting to discuss items as per agenda

Tue, Mar 11th 2025 7:00 pm

Club Meeting

General Club meeting to discuss items as per agenda

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at 18.45 for 19.00

(We meet twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Cedric Ford Pavilion, Newark Showground. Please check with the club secretary on 0770 3952 444 ref meeting dates and locations. ) Newark Show Ground
Lincoln Rd.
NG24 2NY  01636 705 796
W3W:  ///only.pacifist.cave

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values