We're a friendly, very active club of men and women from mainly South Cambridgeshire villages. Please look around the site to find out more about our wide range of activities.
Our weekly meeting is held on a Tuesday evening at The George Inn Babraham where we enjoy fellowship, a good, reasonably priced meal and inspiring speakers. For more details, see: 'Meeting Information' in the right sidebar.
Changes to format for meetings 2 official meetings per month plus two fellowship meetings for those who wish to meet every week. One official meeting would host a Speaker and partners would be invited to join to boost numbers. The second official meeting a fortnight later would be a business or official meeting of some kind. The two intervening meetings i.e. on the second and fourth Tuesday would be fellowship meetings for those who wish to attend. The fifth Tuesday would be dropped from the schedule.
We warmly welcome new members, so if you're Interested in helping your community at home or abroad, please contact:
Sue Coles susiecoles@hotmail.co.uk or Peter White peterwhitees@gmail.com
We meet on Tuesdays at 19.00. for 1930
(1 Speaker meeting per month plus two fellowship meetings for those who wish to meet every week. One official meeting per month business meeting. No meeting on 5th Tuesday in a month) 43 High StreetBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
Our Social Media
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