Rotary Website Demo - welcome!

Please scroll/swipe down through this page to find out more about us, in addition to the pages linked in the menu above.

Featured pages

Why a new template?

Why a new template?

Here are the answers to questions you may be asking yourself regarding the new template

End Polio Now

End Polio Now

This is where the brief details are shown for this End Polio Now page.

Shelter Box

Shelter Box

The brief details for this page appear here



Use the help pages to make the most of the new club website template .

Rotary 'Kids Out' Day

Rotary 'Kids Out' Day

Here are the brief details for this main page. You can enter quite a lot of text here - you don't have to be too brief! However 'page titles' and main pic 'descriptions' should be kept brief if they are to display well on mobile devices.


About us

Webmasters ... how does your club website look now, after the November 1st update?

Your website changed on 1st November and was given a fresher more modern appearance that displays better on a wider range of devices such as tablets and smart phones. 

Your club homepage will have changed to one of three types of display. How it looks will depend upon the way the homepage style options have been set in your admin area. Here are the three types of display:

1: The Default Carousel
For many, the home page will display the default carousel. The carousel is a slideshow which will show a 'welcome' slide followed by some pre-selected photos featuring Rotary projects. If webmasters are happy with this, there is little they need to do. Clubs have the option of 'customising' their carousel by replacing the default slides with their own club photos. From April 2016, the positioning of the default carousel has changed and is now across the full width of the screen (limited width for larger screen sizes)

2: The Customised Carousel (similar to above but with your choice of photos)
Clubs that displayed the old carousel will see the new style carousel. This will feature photos from the same 'sticky' pages that were displayed on your old carousel. Webmasters may be happy with what they see but may wish to make some adjustments to image sizes, titles and descriptions. There is the option of replacing the customised carousel with a static display of thumbnails of the sticky pages or, in the absence of any sticky pages, a display of the default carousel.

3: The Thumbnail Page View (non-carousel)
Clubs that displayed the old 'standard' view of the homepage will see a new version. This is a non-carousel homepage which has a static display of thumbnails images of the pages that have been marked as 'sticky'. It will be similar to the old display of thumbnail pages but with the thumbnails displayed one below another, rather than alongside each other. This makes for better viewing on tablets and smart phones. Webmasters may be happy with what they see but may want to adjust some image titles and descriptions.  There is the option of changing to a customised carousel, or, by having no sticky pages, the default carousel. 

4. The 'full width carousel'

You can choose to display your own images in a full width carousel, in the same way as the new default carousel, but with your own images. Landcsape images work better than portrait!

Which display do I see?

Which of the 4 displays you see is determined by how the options in the admin area for 'home page style' (thumbnail or carousel) have been set and whether any pages are marked as sticky. You may wish to experiment with the settings to see which display you prefer. There is more information regarding these settings in the 'Help Pages" of this website. 

Using this Demo Website

This demo website uses the same template as your club website. Please explore its pages to see examples of how pages, sub-pages and slideshows can be displayed. Importantly, please also spend time reading the various 'Help' pages. These will explain the reasons for the new design, answer some of your questions and give some practical guidance as to how to get the best out of the new template.

The 'HELP' pages on this website can be found using the above  "What we do" drop-down menu.  

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 19.30

(Alternative venue on the 3rd Wednesday) The Meeting Place

AB12 3CD  01234 222222

Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values