Welcome to the Rotary e-Club South West Peninsula. We’re a mostly online, networking club based in the South West of UK open to anyone anywhere.

Featured pages

Supporting the Environment

Supporting the Environment

Supporting the Environment is a Rotary International Area of Focus. We are supporting the environment strategically and practically. Members have helped with strategic planning, tree planting, gardening and litter picking.

Attending District Conference

Attending District Conference

We’ve attended District Conference every year since our charter. This year was no different and we had a great time meeting Speakers, Rotarians and entertainers from across our Cluster!

Young Hero Award

Young Hero Award

Recognising the positive actions of young people who exemplify the Rotary International motto of Service Above Self.

Supporting Mental Health

Supporting Mental Health

As a club we are learning more about various types of mental health and helping to raise awareness about associated issues. Click on details to find out more…

Support End Polio Now

Support End Polio Now

We purchase, plant and sell purple crocus corms to help raise funds for End Polio Now. We also buy End Polio Christmas Cards and support the cause in other ways.

Business Partner Scheme

Business Partner Scheme

Opportunities for businesses to partner with us to attain corporate social responsibility achievements.


About us

Formed only 4 years ago, our e-Club offers the flexibility of meeting online with the traditional Rotary staples of service and friendship.  

If you can't get to a face-to-face meeting or they aren't necessarily your thing, then our e-Club may be for you.  You'll still be a full member of Rotary, able to fully participate and attend any club.

Our club meetings are held online via video link.  You get the opportunity to get to know your fellow members and can connect from anywhere in the world.

At the moment we are, what our Past President Geoff described as, 'a small but beautifully formed club'!   We are all great friends making a difference and consider ourselves to be a club that punches well above its weight in the support we offer and the service we give.  We always welcome new members and would be glad to grow!

As a member of our Rotary e-Club you can:

  * visit any Rotary Club and participate in meetings and activities 
  * be part of our worldwide networking organisation with 1.4 million members in over 35,000 clubs taking action locally and globally - in more countries than McDonalds!
  * make new friends and hear interesting speakers
  * bring your own event and project ideas to our club
contribute your time or talents to worthy causes within your local area, further afield or internationally
assist members of our club or other Rotary Clubs with their events and projects
exchange ideas with others and take part in projects that really do make a difference
choose to engage as and when it suits you best
  * access District, Rotary Great Britain and Ireland and Rotary International support, development and information, through "My Rotary"

Here's what some of our members have said ...

So if you're not already a member of Rotary, or even if you are, but are looking for something different - we'd love to hear from you.

Get in touch via the contact page, for a no obligation chat, arrange to visit one of our meetings and who knows - it maybe the start of new opportunities for you and for us! 

We also have opportunities for businesses to partner with us by sponsorship or donating to good causes we support through our Business Partnership Scheme or as by joining our club as Corporate members


Our Social Media

Happening soon...

Thu, Aug 1st 2024 8:00 pm

Club member organised meet tbc

Evening organised by a club member

Thu, Aug 8th 2024 8:00 pm

Club Matters

A meeting where we report back on club projects and service

Thu, Aug 15th 2024 8:08 pm

Speaker Night - Mary’s’ Meals

We welcome a speaker from charity Mary’s Meals.

Thu, Aug 22nd 2024 8:00 pm

Chatty Night

A social evening on Zoom

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at 19:00

(We use online tools to keep in touch throughout the week with video meetings, including occasional guest speakers. ) Zoom @eclubswpeninsula


Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values