About us

Tottington & Bury West Rotary Club

Meetings at Greenmount Golf Club:  First Wednesdays: Business & Council (Rotarians), 7.30 pm. Fourth Wednesdays: Meal, 7 pm, usually with speaker, all welcome.

We also have regular Committee meetings, many on Zoom. Please contact if you require details.  

 Guests  most welcome at Greenmount Golf Club or on Zoom!

President is Pat Neininger for 2024-25

The Rotary Club of Tottington & Bury West administers a Charity Trust Fund, Registered Charity

No. 1047285

Our BLEED BOX CAMPAIGN has installed emergency bleed packs all around the Metropolitan Borough (e.g. in Silver Street Bury ). Other local Rotary Clubs have joined us together with Bury Lions and other local organisations. We  received the magnificent sum of £7500 from Bury Lions towards more boxes. Many thanks to them!

CHRISTMAS FLOAT: over £6300 has gone into our Charity Fund from the 10 nights and from our collection outside the Coop at Tottington. This is our main money raising event of the year, which will be spent over the coming 12 months to various charities. A big thank you to Santa, all our driver/towers and collectors. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to our charity funds. Apologies if you have missed Santa. We have not made it to a few cul de sacs when running out of time. Our sincere apologies if you have been disappointed.

CHRISTMAS GROTTO at Tesco: many thanks to all at Tesco and to an always generous public. £885 was raised for our Charity Fund.

SQUARE STREET SINGERS' Concert at St John's, Tottington raised over £530 for the Brandlesholme Community Centre for their Food Bank

Forthcoming Meetings etc.


Sunday 23rd February, visit to Rochdale Town Hall

Wednesday 26th February, 7 pm: Meeting with meal at Greenmount Golf Club- A Drumming event!

Wednesday 26th March, 7 pm: Meeting with meal at Greenmount Golf Club-Speaker from Backup Northwest.

       We will be reading our Charter as it will be 53 years since our Club was inaugurated in 1972.

Wednesday 23rd April 7 pm: Meeting with meal at Greenmount Golf Club- Speaker from Kirklees Enterprise Centre TBC

We undertake various community projects, at present including helping out at Pets in Need (most Mondays), St John's Garden/churchyard maintainance (most Wednesday mornings, if not wet). Also some litter picks. Contact for details.

Some of us are also helping at Tottington Centre with the voluntary library service which replaced that relinquished by the local council in December 2017. The library is open, Mondays to Fridays from 10.00 am to 5 pm (plus Saturday mornings 10-1). There is also a cafe: hours as library, except 10-4 pm weekdays. Rooms are available for hire and there are several activity groups for children and adults.

Whitehead Gardens, Tottington Project.  Proffitts are about to start work very shortly. Eventually, we hope to have a pleasanter park to visit and to make it part of a Tottington History Trail. This small park is a Memorial to those killed by a bomb in WWII at the site. 

Over the last year or so we have donated to, or hosted/assisted at, the following:

British Legion Poppy Appeal at Tesco Woodfields, Various local charities with coats from our "Wrap Up Bury" appeal, sold books for the Tottington Centre, completed the Bleed Box Campaign (30 boxes), Kids Out for Young Carers, Bolton Road Food Pantry community notice board, Brandlesholme Community Food Bank, Jigsaw, Bury, Bury Blind and Partially Sighted Society, School Christmas Card Competition with winner sent to local Care Homes,Elms Bank School, Kids Cancer Charity, Francis House and Derian House Children's Hospices, St John's Tottington- graveyard maintenance, Pets In Need, Tottington (help and funds), Wendy Warrington (for Ukraine), Disabled Sports St Helen's, Dementia UK, Shelter Box, LendwithCare, and Rotary Foundation (Rotary International's own Charity, which includes Polio Plus, which soon hopes to eradicate polio from the world).

Note that most of our donations are raised via our Christmas Float and collections from our very generous General Public.

Our Daffodil planting this year was at Purbeck Park, Brandlesholme. NB the Spring daffodils along much of Brandlesholme and Longsight Roads are mainly the result of Club plantings over many years.

Together with other Bury Rotary Clubs, we have run a Bury schools technology Tournament.

If you wish to attend a Rotary meeting or event listed above, can offer your help with projects, or would like further information about joining Rotary please contact me

Rotarian Pat(rick) Neininger



 07885 492 901


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at 1930

(1st week of month Business and Council Meeting. 2nd week of month Alternative event away from Greenmount Golf Club. 3rd week of month No Meeting. 4th week of month Club Meal at Greenmount Golf Club. Possible 5th week of month Alternative meeting.) Greenhalgh Fold Farm
BL8 4LH  01204 883712

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values