We're a friendly, informal Club who enjoy supporting our local community and socialising. We meet at the Royal British Legion Club on Thursday evenings and on the first Thursday of the month we eat out with family and friends at a different local venue.
'What is Rotary?'
Rotary is a truly international organisation, with some 33,000 clubs and over a million members represented in more than 200 countries worldwide. Its aim is simple – to provide support to the local community, help local and national causes and provide international humanitarian assistance.
'What is a Rotarian?'
Rotarians are just ordinary men and women who like helping others and socalising - it's as simple as that!
We represent a complete cross-section of our local community. We have a wide variety of interests, hobbies, occupations and professions and some of us are retired. We each joined a Rotary Club to socialise, have fun and to support our local community and Rotary led international projects. We recognise that, individually our efforts may be limited – but as a member of similarly minded groups, with combined experience, expertise and enthusiasm, the sky is the limit. The Rotary motto is 'Service Above Self' - which translated just means - 'We like to help others'!
'So what do you do?'
The Rotary Club of Brandon & District, along with all other clubs are very mindful of and focussed on our own local community needs. We support many local schools, charities, clubs, food banks and groups with donations raised through our fundraising. On occasions, we volunteer at local events such as St Nicholas Hospice Care's 'Girls Night Out' or provide advice, manpower or expertise where we can. We also support many youth projects, as well as the elderly, disabled or disadvantaged.
We are proud to award the 'Rotary Club of Brandon and District Making a Difference' Award' annually to the student from Breckland School who we feel has best helped make a difference - whether that be to their local community or nationally or internationally.
Major international Rotary projects are aimed at relieving disease, hunger, unclean water and poor education. Three Rotary led projects are 'Purple for polio' providing polio vaccinations which have virtually helped to eradicate polio, the Rotary Shoebox scheme sending shoeboxes to disadvantaged chidren and adults in Eastern Europe and Shelterbox - emergency shelters which are sent to areas hit by natural disaster. Our Club is proud to have supported all three projects!
In 2022, Rotary clubs throughout the world responded in a number of ways to support aid agencies and Ukrainian Rotary clubs providing aid and assistance to the people of Ukraine.
'So is it all about raising money then?'
Far from it. Of course we have to raise some money - this is how we support many local, national and international causes. We organise our projects in such a way that they involve the whole local community, give value for money and – very importantly – are fun. Our major fundraiser is the annual Bonfire and Fireworks event held at Brandon Hall and we organise the Santa Sleigh which visits Brandon at Christmas too. These events really are as much fun for us as they are for those who attend!
'What about the social side?'
We see socialising and fun as being fundamental to being a Rotarian - and it's a great way to make new friends! On the first Thursday of each month, we usually go out for a meal, with partners and guests invited along, enjoying a meal together at a different pub or restaurant each time. Our socialising is enhanced by many other social events throughout the year - including bowling and days out.
On the remaining Thursdays we hold our meetings at the Royal British Legion Club in London Road, Brandon. They are always informal and fun, bringing us together in a spirit of real friendship.
We don't expect members to attend every meeting, but our high attendance record perhaps speaks for itself - we always have a great evening with lots of laughter. Maybe our club motto should be 'Fun With a Purpose!'
'O.K – I'm interested – what next?'
You can see lots more information and updates about what we do on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/brandonrotaryclub and you can send us a message via there if you prefer.
Click on the Contact or Join Us links at the top of the page to send us a message or request information.
We think being in Rotary is great fun and incredibly rewarding - but if you decide Rotary is not for you, we won't be offended – promise.
We meet on Thursdays at 19.30 for 20.00
(On the first Thursday of each month we have dinner at a local venue with partners invited too, and the remaining Thursdays we have an informal meeting at the Royal British Legion. If you'd like to come along, please get in touch.) 97 London RdBe part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.
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