Young Writer, Artist and Photographer Competitions 2020/21

Youth competitions

Well done to Poppy, winner of Young Writer Competition 2020/2021 (Intermediate) and Alexander (Junior) from Sunninghill for their excellent entries on the theme of "My Happiest Day". 

Congratulations to Dean from Westfield, the winner of the Young Photographer 2002/21 with a wonderful set of three photos of spiders on the theme of "Wild Nature". 

Young Artist (Intermediate) 2020/21 was won by Jess with a painting of bark patterns and the (Junior) Young Artist 2021 was Jess, with a colourful painting of waterlilies. Congratulations to both Jess and Jess.

Winners and runners up all received certificates and gift vouchers, but this year we also have new trophies to celebrate the achievement in the three competions. These were presented to Sunninghill Preparatory School for Young Writer and Westfield Art College for Young Artist and Photographer by president Vanessa Lucas. 

Congratulations to all the entrants and winners for their excellent work, our club hopes to encourage as many schools and young people in the Dorchester area to participate next year, to recognise the amazing talents of young people in our community.

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Winning Team with Club President

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Young Writer, Artist and Photographer 2020/2021

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Youth Competitions 2023/2024

back Casterbridge Rotary were very pleased to be able to offer Young Writer, Young Artist, Young Chef and Youth speaks in the last Rotary Year. We thank all the young people who entered, the schools, judges and parents who supported us.