International Projects in 2014-15

Details of the projects we undertook in 2014-15

Some of the Dancers who performed at our International Night in April 2015

Details of our two international projects in 2014-15.  

Moldova Project

We held a succesful fundraiser on a Eurovision theme in October 2014, to raise money for vulnerable children in Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries. Delicious authentic dishes prepared by members, past Eurovision songs and fun quizzes combined to produce an unforgettable experience which had the added plus of raising £645. Merci beaucoup mes amis or should we say boom-bang-a-bang and ding-a-ding dong! You had to be there?

The chosen charity is Elpis, based in the town of Balti in Moldova.  The project supports vulnerable young people, orphans and street children, providing a range of support to meet their needs.

We received a lovely message of thanks from the project in December 2015 - with a picture of some of those we helped

Supporting the "SWAYAMSIDDH" School in India

Our second project for the year is to support a school for children with special needs in India called "SWAYAMSIDDH" meaning self sufficient. More information on the school and what it is trying to achieve is included below.
The Club, together with family and friends, held a very succesful fundraising night for this project in April, at which around £2,500 was raised.
The evening programme included a tasty 3 course Indian meal and entertainment including Indian classical & folk dances. The classical dances were performed by pupils of a well acclaimed classical dance teacher from Newcastle, and folk dances were performed by a friend of the Club from the Midlands. There was also a "surprise item" performed by our club  members.  Those present were also able to take part in some "Bollywood" style dancing to shake off a few of the ounces added by our excellent meal.

The objectives of the school are:
1. Providing educational opportunities
2. Preparing children for domestic skills
3. Providing vocational training
4. Integration of children with special needs in the community
It is run by parents of children affected by cerebral palsy, autism, intellectually challenged and children with multiple disabilities.
This parental organisation is first of its kind and is based in the city of Aurangabad, in Maharashtra State, India. The primary objective of this school is to help these special children with special needs so that they can integrate in the community, become self sufficient and try to live an independent life. The school was initially started with only 4 children in 2001. Being run by a non governmental organisation, it has thrived on donations from philanthropists and local charities and is proud to say that it has made tremendous progress. It has now 90 students and facilitates children with amenities like physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and includes training on vocational skills to help them live an independent life.
Further information on the school can be found on their website:

In 2013 the local Rotary Club of Aurangabad in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Steubenville in Ohio donated funds to the school to provide vocational training equipment and physiotherapy instruments.
We are happy to be working with the local Club on the next project that will help the school to purchase an EEG machine. The local Club is in the process of applying for a Rotary matching grant.

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Some of the Dancers who performed at our International Night in April 2015


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