Supporting School in a Bag

In a new venture for the Club, shopping online has helped us to raise money to support the Charity School in a Bag, and with assistance from Rotary Foundation we have been able to support 40 students.

When the first lockdown started and people stopped going to the shops and shopping online became the way to buy goods, members of the Club came up with a novel way to raise funds for charity.

The Club registered with the online website Easyfundraising through which members and friends accessed their favourite shopping websites. Then, following a purchase, the Club received cashback into its charity account.

Members wanted to support the charity School in a Bag which provides school bags containing pencils, crayons, exercise books and other necessities to help with learning, to needy children worldwide. To date the charity has provided over 124,000 bags to children in 50 countries.

We also applied for a matching grant to Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s own charity, through the local District and were delighted when the application was approved.

In early January the Club was able to purchase 30 School Bags at £20 each. The focus was to help pupils at two schools in Nepal that were completely destroyed by flooding. The monies were also able to provide some bags to children in Malawi where the charity had been working since 2014. In June 2022 we were able to provide funding for a further 10 bags.

Each School Bag contains a unique number which allows donors to track the child that has received their bag. Recipients from the Club donation included 12 year old Parbati Tamang from Shree Terse School in Nepal and 10 year old Mtisunge Kaunda from Chintheche School in Malawi.

Luke Simon, who founded the charity in 2005 said “Thank you so much for the wonderful donation which enables us to transform lives through education”.

Dianne Mousley, President of Northallerton Mowbray Rotary Club said “With the monies we raise, we try and support projects locally, nationally and internationally. It is great that we have been able to support such a worthwhile charity”.


Bag 125863: Parbati Tamang from Nepal

Bag 122240: Mtisunge Kaunda from Malawi

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