Community Cup 2023

On 22 March six teams from junior schools around the town met on the Portman Road all-weather pitch to compete in the Rotary Club of Felixstowe’s Community Cup. And for the second year running Colneis won the day.

Colneis lift the cup - Again!

Despite a poor forecast and damp start the weather turned fine and set the scene for a great morning of football in the shadow of ITFC’s stadium.  Thanks again to ITFC for providing the perfect venue.

Colneis A team and Trimley St Martin A team drew against each other in both of the group matches they played and the score remained level at full time when they met in the final. It was only a penalty shootout that separated the two teams and Colneis finally won and lifted the cup!  

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Rotary Club of Felixstowe’s Community Cup 2022

more Children from Felixstowe junior schools had an amazing morning taking part in our Community Cup on Ipswich Town Football Club’s all-weather pitch. (Images thanks to Bushfire Photography)

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more Learning culinary skills in association with the Yeo Group and Felixstowe Academy (Images thanks to Carl Middleditch of Bushfire Photography)

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Rotary Youth Leadership Award

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Youth Development

back Thanks to Andrew Rowdon, Youth Development lead, we have an established programme including Community Cup with ITFC, Climbing with Clip ‘n Climb, and Kids Kitchen with the Yeo Group. Fun, but also an opportunity to build confidence in a new environment.