Club Information

Find out more about our club


"People of Action helping others locally, nationally and internationally"

What is the Rotary Club of Wokingham?

  • Wokingham Rotary is a non-denominational social club dedicated to friendship and fellowship. Meeting weekly at a local hotel allows members the opportunity for social interaction, debate and to discuss club business over dinner or lunch.  Speakers, expressing all shades of opinion, experiences and for charities are also a regular feature.
  • Rotary is a Registered Charity. This permits Wokingham Rotary to raise and distribute funds for its chosen charities both locally and internationally.  Its members also give some of their time in helping the communities in which they live and work. 
  • It is Part of Rotary International.  This is a worldwide organisation. Its stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. It is a secular organisation open to all persons regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, or political preference.
  • It is one of over 34,000 clubs worldwide with a membership of over 1.2 million.

What do we do?

In a typical year Wokingham Club may raise and contribute some £20,000 for communities at home and abroad. This money is given to support those who need help, to improve lives and bring about positive change in the neighbourhoods.

Examples of typical SOCIAL EVENTS members might organise would be:

  • Summer BBQ
  • Canal Boat Trip
  • Theatre visits (Wokingham Theatre, The Mill in Sonning)
  • Christmas Dinner @ Cote, Wokingham.
  • Attending other Rotary clubs events e.g. Quiz Nights or Race Nights
  • Attending other voluntary groups events e.g. Wokingham Lions Comedy Nights, Quiz Nights
  • Visit to local vineyard
  • Visit to local brewery
  • Attending local Chinese New Year celebrations
  • Attending Wokingham Party in the Park @ Elms Field
  • Attending Wokingham Town Council events (e.g. Wokingham Open Days)

Examples of FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES members might engage are:

  • Organsing the annual Wokingham Fireworks Spectacular
  • Our stand at the May Fayre & Winter Carnival
  • Christmas Collections at local supermarkets
  • Wokingham Area Schools Music Association (WASMA) concert for local school children, held annually at The Hexagon in Reading. Fundraising event, and opportunity for primary school children to perform on stage at The Hexagon (1200 seat venue).

Examples of SERVICES members might undertake for the community are:

  • Planting crocuses in Elms Field, to raise awareness for Rotary End Polio Now campaign
  • Supporting local school children who enter Rotary Young Musician (2023 entrant from Lockley House reached national finals!)
  • Sponsoring a young person to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Award
  • Hosting a Rotary International Scholar while they study at University of Reading
  • Acting as supervisors or marshals for various Wokingham events.
  • Collaborating closely with local charitable organisations such as Wokingham In Need

Who are our members?

Membership of the Wokingham Club typically comprises men and women with multiple backgrounds. 

Our members pride themselves of high ethical standards, and aim to use the Rotary "4-way test" in all aspects of their life:

Of the things we think, say or do 
  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


Who do we help?

The Rotary Club of Wokingham supports many projects or charities in and around Wokingham.

A Brief History of our Club.

The Rotary Club of Wokingham was formed in 1951, when it was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Reading.
Life in Wokingham at that time was more leisurely. The membership then was mainly local business men, a doctor, a dentist, a solicitor and one or two local councillors.  The names of some early members are reflected today in Wokingham's street names; Reeves Way, Alderman Willey Close, Barrett Crescent and Perkins Way.  In those days women were not invited into Rotary.

Sixty years ago, Wokingham was a market centre for the surrounding countryside, isolated from the County Town of Reading and the recently designated New Town of Bracknell.  Like Wokingham itself, the Club has altered with changing times but the ideals of the founding members and that of our world wide organisation remain instilled in the Club today.

As of then, we still uphold the ideals of fellowship and friendship within the Club. Today, we also support local schools, originally by outings for needy children, but now through our "Young Chef", "Young Musician", "Young Photographer" and "Youth Speaks" competitions. We make donations to Dingley Family Centre in All Saints School and to the Alexander Devine Hospice building fund. Together with two other local Rotary Clubs, we have contributed to a special day for pupils at New Addington School. Internationally, we have just completed a water project in Sri Lanka in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Colombo and donated to an ongoing hospital project in Uganda.

At Christmas, between 50 and 100 Hampers have been assembled and delivered to the needy of Wokingham.  These hampers could not be prepared without the generous support of Wokingham's residents. In the weeks before Christmas Club members raise the money needed through street collections and outside supermarkets. In the past, members raised the money by buying Christmas trees in bulk to sell in the Market Place. Not all activities involve money; service to others is and always has been just as important  For example, for over 50 years Wokingham Rotarians have driven members of Wokingham Blind Club to their monthly meetings. Always upholding Rotary's Motto:

"Service Above Self"


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Club Information sub-pages:

Rotarians Messing About on Boats

more An enjoyable boat trip along the Basingstoke Canal