Membership Development

Newest Members of Radcliffe Rotary Steve and Silvana Garvani pictured at their induction together with Amanda our Club President

Rotary is a worldwide service organisation dedicated to improve the quality of life for all people.

 For the Rotary Club of Radcliffe

Our Mission: Service Above Self given directly to the Radcliffe community and through our fundraising to NW England and across the world.

Our Vision: By 2022 we want our Club to be fully representative of the diverse community that is Radcliffe with at least 25 members.

Our Action plan: Secure the full commitment of likeminded people as individual or corporate members to support our mission and deliver our vision in conjunction with associate members and a broadly based 'Friends of Radcliffe Rotary Club' group who are keen to work with us but unable, in the first instance, to commit to membership.

Typical activities:

  • The Over 70's variety afternoon with entertainment and a pie and peas lunch every January
  • Support for young carers through 'Kidsout.'
  • Santa's sleigh ride through the streets of Radcliffe.
  • Daffodil bulbs planted on the verges of the roads to Radcliffe and Festival Gardens.
  • Float entered in the annual Radcliffe Carnival.
  • Financial support to many local charities.
  • Financial support for the worldwide End Polio campaign. (Africa now declared wild polio free by the WHO)
  • Shoe Aid- collecting unwanted shoes from friends, neighbours and family for distribution to homeless and families in need in the UK and Oveseas
  • Food Bank - financial support to set up the unit and provide food at The Trinity Baptist Food Bank in Radcliffe.

If you are interested please complete the following template and we will contact you asap.

David ChambersContact David Chambers about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Membership Development sub-pages:

Membership Recruitment - FAQs

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