Youth Programme


As Rotarians we believe that young people should have the platforms and opportunities for them to unlock their potential, develop their skills and broaden their horizons. Therefore, each year we run a wide range of Rotary Youth competitions for schools in the area. Great fun is had by all who are involved!

  • In the Youth Technology competition teams of pupils solve an interactive technology-based task and design, develop and build a solution with the materials supplied.
  • Budding chefs plan and cook a three course meal in the Young Chef competition judged by local chefs
  • The Young Musician competition gives individual musicians the opportunity to compete and participate in a winners’ concert.
  • Youth Speaks is a competition where young people use their public speaking skills to perform, persuade and entertain the audience
  • The Interschools Quiz in the format of “University Challenge” gives teams of different ages from local schools the opportunity to test their general knowledge.

Because Rotary is a national organisation there are opportunities for the local winners to represent the Club at the District Finals and, if successful, to proceed to the Regional and National Finals.



Youth Programme sub-pages:

The winners Bishop’s Stortford College together with Joint Club President Hugo Richardson.

Rotary InterSchools Quiz 2024

more On Monday 18th March, we held our annual Interschools Quiz, kindly hosted by Bishop’s Stortford College

Rotary Youth Technology Competition 2024

more The club’s annual Rotary Youth Technology Competition was held at Birchwood School on 12th November.

Rotary Young Chef Competition 2024

more 10 teams of budding chefs from local secondary schools took part in the annual Rotary Young Chef competition held at Birchwood High School on 20 June.

The Bishop's Stortford High School with President Hugo Richardson

Youth Speaks Competitions 2023


Kohana Fish - Rotary Young Musician of the Year 2024

Rotary Young Musician of the Year 2024

more This year's Young Musician competition was held on 20th April at Bishop’s Stortford College.

Rotary Young Chef Competition 2022

more Teams from four local secondary schools took part in the competition held at Birchwood High School.

All the winners of the daytime classes playing in the Evening Concert.

Young Musician Competition 2022
