• We are People of Action

  • Making a difference in our communities

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Foundation - Rotary's Own Charity

Pages about Foundation - Rotary's own charity


Sustaining Members

We would be delighted if members supported the Rotary Foundation by becoming a Sustaining Member. All you need to do is donate $100 per annum and this can be done monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly, or annually. $100 equates to approximately £7 per month



Sat 11th November Foundation Film


District Bulletin

The 1240 District Bulletin is published monthly to give information on major Rotary activities in the District.


D1240 Forum

Sat 16th November This meeting takes place in the Northumberland Building which is on the other side of the road to the Main Hall, by the Tiptree Tea Room


In the next 30 days...

Manningtree Rotary Charity Quiz Night

Saturday 15th February 2025

RC Manningtree Stour Valley Manningtree Rotary Annual Charity Quiz Night Saturday 15th February 2025

***Charity Quiz Night*** on Saturday 15 February

Saturday 15th February 2025

RC Chelmsford Mildmay at Beaulieu Community Centre. 7 for 7.30. In aid of Children's Society East and other local charities.

Valentine's Dance

Valentine's Dance

Saturday 15th February 2025

RC Ingatestone An evening of Live Music by "Scraping the Barrel" Venue: Anglo European School Hall CM4 0DJ


Foundation Lunch

Sunday 23rd February 2025

District Event: Please click on the link below for full detail, menu, and ticket link


Welcome to the Website of Rotary District 1240

Rotary District 1240 covers most of Essex, parts of East London and East Hertfordshire and comprises almost 1600 Rotarians in 63 Rotary Clubs and Satellite Clubs, the latter of which offer much greater flexibility to their members.

Rotary unites more than 1.4 million members in over 200 countries of the world.  Through Rotary clubs, Rotarians from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world.

Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions.

This website and those to be found on the Club List tab above, are open for the public to browse. If you are interested to learn more about Rotary and in the work it does, you will find opportunities to view more of what Rotarians throughout Great Britain and Ireland get up to here.

Join Rotary

Being a member of Rotary can be very rewarding. You can get involved in community projects which make a real difference to people in your own town, city or village. There are opportunities to serve the people of Essex, North East Hertfordshire and to help with initiatives nationally or internationally. The larger projects can involve Rotarians from other parts of the District, the UK or from other countries around the world. 

Rotary is not only about serving and helping, it is also about having fun and making friends within your own club. A list of clubs in Essex and North East Hertfordshire can be found here along with the days and times that they meet. You can also link to each club's website from the same list of clubs.

You do not have to wait to be invited to join Rotary, if you have read this far then consider yourself invited and get in touch either directly to one of the clubs or by emailing the District Membership Officer via this link who will then be able to give you more information and help you find the right club to join. 

People of Action

Rotary unites problem solvers in Great Britain and Ireland and across the world, transforming our communities one project at a time


Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own and only charity delivering our vision of a better world. During the past 100 years, The Rotary Foundation has spent £2.3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects around the world. With 91% of funds spent on the programmes and projects it delivers, The Rotary Foundation is globally recognised for its financial efficiency, accountability and transparency.

Rotary Foundation Grants

Each year, The Rotary Foundation gives £54 million worth of grants to Rotary clubs throughout the world for humanitarian projects, vocational training and scholarships in Rotary’s cause areas. Ranging from small-scale, short term activities to large, international projects, Rotary grants strengthen global partnerships and provide sustainable and measurable benefits to communities. Grants from The Rotary Foundation support over 1,000 projects every year.

The Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom

The Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom (RFUK) is an Associate Foundation of The Rotary Foundation. RFUK supports the aims of The Rotary Foundation by providing funding for its programmes and offering a direct service for giving in Great Britain and Ireland. RFUK has recovered over £1 million in Gift Aid since 2001, allowing even more communities to benefit from The Rotary Foundation. 

Rotary on the Brink of Polio History


Since 1985, Rotary’s key humanitarian priority has been to rid the world of polio. For more than 30 years Rotary has led the campaign to rid the world of polio, protecting 2.5 billion children from paralysis and death.

With Rotary advocacy and fundraising, we are on the brink of one of the greatest global health achievements ever. Rotary spearheaded the campaign at a time when there were over 1,000 polio cases a day in 125 countries, paralysing and even killing children. Today, the number of cases is down by 99.9%.

Over the last 30 years, Rotary has donated £1.25 billion to the eradication effort and has protected over 2.5 billion children from the disease through vaccination programmes. Rotary members continue to be key players in many aspects of the polio programme including on the ground in a number of countries as well as fundraising and advocacy. More information is here



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